ActiveX Products by 9Rays.Net
» Found 3 items by 9Rays.Net

9Rays.Net TreeView for ASP.NET
by 9Rays.Net
9Rays TreeView for ASP.NET (FlyTreeView) features visual designers, native .net data binding (DataSet, DataReader, arrays, etc.), drag-and-drop, full viewstate support, highly customizable styles and behaviors, load-on-demand, checkboxes, multiple postback events (select, deselect, expand, collapse, check, uncheck), server event handlers for all client events, comprehensive client object model, context menu support, flexible licensing options.
- Submitted 4/20/2005

by 9Rays.Net
FlyTreeX ActiveX - Fast, powerful and flexible multicolumnar Tree/Grid/List/Outline. Get more than 30 controls in one! Many inplace editor types, data-bounding, a lot of properties and events for full control.
- Submitted 11/26/2004

by 9Rays.Net
FlyTreeXPro ActiveX - Fast, powerful and flexible multicolumnar Tree/Grid/List/Outline. Get more than 30 controls in one! More than 40 types of inplace editors, data-bounding, a lot of properties and events for every need!
- Submitted 12/4/2004