ActiveX Products in Utilities
» Found 380 items in Utilities: Displaying 1 - 20

9Rays.Net TreeView for ASP.NET
by 9Rays.Net
9Rays TreeView for ASP.NET (FlyTreeView) features visual designers, native .net data binding (DataSet, DataReader, arrays, etc.), drag-and-drop, full viewstate support, highly customizable styles and behaviors, load-on-demand, checkboxes, multiple postback events (select, deselect, expand, collapse, check, uncheck), server event handlers for all client events, comprehensive client object model, context menu support, flexible licensing options.
- Submitted 4/20/2005

by A1Lab.Com
This FREE component provides a set of functions to manipulate compressed files built by compress.exe utility. That utility is a sort of standard data compression tool in MS Windows. An application (or a script) can use this component to decompress files compressed by compress.exe utility and to read a content of compressed text files without an intermediate decompression.
- Submitted 9/24/2002

by aaxComponents
The aaxBattery ActiveX Control is a component that gives you the state of the battery on your laptop/notebook computer. With this component, you can: - Get the battery life in percent and time; - Get the charging status of the battery; - Get the AC Line state; This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 4/1/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxDriveManager ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to manage disk and CDROM drives. With this component, you can: Eject CD and media,Query for drive types and availability, Get drive capacity and free space, Get/Set volume label. This component can be used with disk drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, and other removable drives (Zip, Castlewood ORB, etc). This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/20/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxIniFile ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to any standard .ini initialization file. With this component, you can: - Open standard .ini files; - Read / Write string and numeric values; - Enumerate sections and keys This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/14/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxRegistry ActiveX Control (.ocx) is a component that gives you an easy access to the Windows Registry. Open / Create / Delete keys and subkeys; Read / Write / Delete values of any type; Enumerate keys, subkeys and value. Comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/11/2003

Abria SQL Lite for Windows
by Arbiasoft
The Windows release of Abria SQL Lite includes cripple-free versions of MySQL 3.23 (beta), Apache Web Server 1.3.12, Perl 5.6, PHP3, and phpMyAdmin for Windows 95, 98 and Me. Download Now. Its FREE! For other versions please visit
- Submitted 2/8/2001

by dsx
AceEncrypt is an ActiveX component that lets you easily encrypt/decrypt files. It also provides encryption/decryption of Byte, String, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Decimal, Currency, Date, Byte array(BLOB). It supports both UNICODE and ASCII characters.
- Submitted 6/26/2001

Active Audio Record Component
by Guangming Software
Active Audio Record component directly record audio to wav, mp3, wma, ogg, vox, au and aiff format on the fly without temporary files created. Support multiple sound cards and mixer lines Set volume level for mixer line Silence detection during recording. Get audio channel volume level A lot of working examples are provided
- Submitted 12/26/2004

Active Call Center
by Sunny Beach Technology
Automated call management fully integrated with COM compliant applications (MS Office, VB, etc.). Includes touch tone & speech recognition & text-to-speech generation. Works w/ a modem or other TAPI device, supports Caller ID, multiple lines, & SAPI.
- Submitted 10/5/1999

Active RTF
by Active Up
Enable any developer to convert an HTML document into an RTF document and RTF document into HTML or XHTML document. RTF is one of the most common document formats in the world, therefore broadening your customer acceptance.
- Submitted 7/29/2003

Active TTS Component
by Guangming Software
Directly convert text to wav, mp3, wma, ogg, vox, au and aiff format on the fly without temporary files created. Convert text to speech at high speed and save your disk's life as well Support SAPI4 or SAPI5 compliant voices. Can be used in VB, VB.Net, C#, Delphi and ASP, ASP.Net. A lot of examples are provided.
- Submitted 11/27/2004

by Millenium Software
ActiveControl is an enhanced collection of common Windows controls. The appearance of ActiveControl objects changes depending on whether the mouse pointer is inside or outside the object area. Controls included are ActiveLabel, ActiveTextBox, ActiveComboB
- Submitted 4/11/1999

by neveshtar
ActiveDB is a useful tool that helps you to easily providing intelligent data entry forms within Visual Basic6 programming environment using OLEDB providers such as MS access, Oracle, SQL Server. The type of ActiveDB control is data source. So you can bind any control which has data source and data field properties. For example you can bind controls such as PictureBox, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, FlexGrid, DataGrid, RichTextBox, MaskEdit … to ActiveDB control.
- Submitted 4/19/2004

ActiveSWF Professional
by CPS Labs
ActiveSWF is a ActiveX component for dynamic Flash content generation. It transforms movie description in XML format to corresponding Flash content in SWF format.
- Submitted 9/18/2004

ActiveX Gallimaufry
by Desaware, Inc.
Includes a collection of useful, entertaining and educational 32 bit ActiveX components. These controls come with complete Visual Basic 5/6 source code. Includes the following controls: TWAIN scanner, spiral art program, bitmap rotation, hex editor, rece
- Submitted 6/19/1998

ActiveX Manager
by 4Developers LLC
How many times have you tried to register/unregister an ActiveX control (OCX) and wished there was a better way to do it then REGSVR32? ActiveX Manager enables users and developers to manage ActiveX Controls installed on their PC the easy way.
- Submitted 6/29/1998

ActiveX Windows NT/2000 group
by Motobit Software
Contains simple objects for creating, deleting, managing and enumerating user accounts, groups, servers and domains. You can change any of the user or group properties. Works with VB/VBA (excel, word), IE, ASP, JS, VBS and T-SQL.
- Submitted 2/14/2005

by Aivosto Oy
Escape DLL Hell! View, register, unregister, analyze and document ActiveX files. ActiveXplorer shows the details of ActiveX files. Know about the file versions, CLSIDs and installation paths. Find missing files and clean the registry of extra entries. Learn to use undocumented controls. View the properties and methods with descriptions on how they should be called. Generate a technical document for any ActiveX control in a minute as HTML Help or RTF.
- Submitted 5/15/2001

Free ActiveX component for enterprise strength zip compression. ActiveXZip is a high performance compression solution that is simple to use. This toolkit is totally interoperable with the Zip standard and comes fully functional and completely free.
- Submitted 8/18/2004
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