ActiveX Products by AcctSync Technologies Inc
» Found 2 items by AcctSync Technologies Inc

AcctSync SDK .NET Edition
by AcctSync Technologies Inc
AcctSync SDK is a set of fully managed components based on 100% pure C# code base with no external dependencies. Using AcctSync SDK, QuickBooks developers and integrators can build integrated solutions in a fraction of the time without any prior knowledge of qbXML, XML or COM APIs. The components are fully integrated in the Visual Studio .NET IDE, with context-sensitive and dynamic help support, automatic toolbox installation, and other time saving features.
- Submitted 1/29/2003

AcctSync SDK ActiveX/VB Edition
by AcctSync Technologies Inc
AcctSync SDK ActiveX/VB Edition is a set of small, fast, easy-to-use, and fully self-contained ActiveX Controls built with ATL with no dependencies on any external libraries. Using AcctSync SDK, QuickBooks developers and integrators can build integrated solutions in a fraction of the time without any prior knowledge of qbXML, XML or COM APIs. The components are fully integrated in the Visual Studio IDE, with context-sensitive and dynamic help support, and other time-saving features.
- Submitted 4/22/2003