ActiveX Products by Ace-Infosys
» Found 2 items by Ace-Infosys

Text Allow
by Ace-Infosys
Description : This DLL allows the user only to enter Valid Characters in the Text Box, Invalid characters are disabled. For Example, if the user is supposed to enter a Name of a Person in the text box, he or she is allow to enter only alphabets and not numeric characters or any special characters.
- Submitted 7/6/2003

Text Validation
by Ace-Infosys
This DLL does the validation to restrict the user from entering junk data in the Text Box, if irrelevant data is entered in the Text Box a error message can be poped up. For Example, if the user is supposed to enter a Name of a Person in the text box, if he or she enters some numeric value or any special characters then a error message can be poped up.
- Submitted 7/6/2003