ActiveX Products by Alvaro Redondo
» Found 7 items by Alvaro Redondo

AR Button Control
by Alvaro Redondo
This is just a normal button, not an 'active' one (it doesn't popup when the mouse is over it). The idea is having a button kind of nicer than the standard one, and with improved functionality.
- Submitted 8/8/1998

AR Crypto Library
by Alvaro Redondo
This library includes the RC2 and DES-56 block cipher algorithms, the RC4 stream cipher algorithm, the SHA-1 hash algorithm and other objects that you can use to code or export binary data.
- Submitted 8/4/1998

AR Execute Library
by Alvaro Redondo
This library will allow you to execute any kind of instruction that you could run, for example, in the Start --> Run... window. You can run files, and the associated program will open the file, URLs and they will be open with the default browser.
- Submitted 8/4/1998

AR Flat Button Control
by Alvaro Redondo
This is just another flat button control, that admits either a picture or a caption. It also has extra functionallity that will allow you to set certain aspects of the behaviour of the control.
- Submitted 8/4/1998

AR Users Database Library
by Alvaro Redondo
This library will carry the management of an users database for login verification, and all the normal operations that you will need. All the information is stored in an encrypted file.
- Submitted 8/4/1998