ActiveX Products by April16
» Found 3 items by April16

DayView OCX
by April16
The DayView OCX is a diary styled daily calender which stores appointments which can be interacted with by the user. The user may visually drag and stretch appointments via the interface. The application program can add appointments in any colour, with different title bars, and different icons. The program can totally change the appearance of the DayView OCX.
- Submitted 8/6/2002

NetConnect OCX
by April16
Add update via the net to you applications with this simple ActiveX. 3 Simple NetConnect methods allows you to get your application connected to the net and downloading an update or upgrade. Go to the NetConnect download page to see how to find out how to implement NetConnect in your applications.
- Submitted 9/3/2002

Timers OCX
by April16
The Timers OCX control is a set of timers that expand on the timer control supplied with Visual Basic. V1.1 features more properties for the existing controls and a new control is also included.
The STimer, MTimer and HTimer have new properties for controlling the operation of the timer on the Timer event and for determining if the timer is actually timing.
The Wait timer has a new property for determining whether the Wait timer is waiting.
- Submitted 8/27/2002