ActiveX Products by Arcadia Software Dev.
» Found 6 items by Arcadia Software Dev.

Arcadia FlatButton
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Arcadia FlatButton (AFB) comes with built-in XP look and 3 XP color schemes compatible with Windows 98/Me/2000/NT/XP. Additional appearances include flat, 3D, toggle, transparent, light 3D, 3D when mouse over, bevel and rounded corners. AFB enables you to apply pictures and fonts under different conditions, align pictures and captions separately, and embed your own sound file or select from built-in sound effects. AFB is compatible with VB6/VB.NET/VC++/VC++.NET and supports East Asian languages.
- Submitted 6/17/2003

Arcadia FlatTouch - Essential Pack
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Create sharp looking applications with Arcadia FlatTouch EP (AFTEP) collection of 4 feature-rich ActiveX GUI controls. AFTEP includes Arcadia FlatButton, Arcadia PowerList, Arcadia PowerCombo, and Arcadia PowerEdit. All AFTEP controls support East Asian languages and come with built-in XP/2D/3D look that can be applied under Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. PowerList and PowerCombo come with OLE DB connectivity to SQL Server, Oracle, and Access databases as well as many 3rd party data source controls.
- Submitted 6/17/2003

Arcadia PowerButton ActiveX/.NET
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Create dazzling looking applications with the new Arcadia PowerButton. In addition to the basic built-in XP, Flat, 3D, Bevel, Toggling, CoolButton, 3D/XP When Mouse Over appearances and functionality, Arcadia PowerButton comes now with Office 2003 look, advanced gradient color generator and picture and translucency effects, built-in multi-level drop menu, separate picture and caption vertical and horizontal alignments and margin settings for pinpoint positioning accuracy, and much much more...
- Submitted 11/20/2003

Arcadia PowerCombo
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Arcadia PowerCombo (APC) is a feature-rich multi-column bi-directional combo/dropdown list with built-in XP/Flat/3D look. You can connect APC directly to SQL Server, Oracle, and Access databases through OLE DB or to many 3rd party data source controls. APC enables you to assign pictures to headers and cells, and apply different shading colors to rows. APC comes with margin settings and entry styles management and is compatible with VB6/VB.NET/VC++/VC++.NET and supports East Asian languages.
- Submitted 6/17/2003

Arcadia PowerEdit
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Arcadia PowerEdit (APE) is a feature-rich single-line and multi-line bi-directional edit box with built-in XP/Flat/3D look. APE comes with built-in spin buttons, dropdown calendar, masked edit, password character, and hyperlink activation options. Additionally, APE enables you to set margins, apply rounded coroners, and set fonts and colors under different conditions. APE is compatible with VB6/VB.NET/VC++/VC++.NET and support East Asian languages.
- Submitted 6/17/2003

Arcadia PowerList
by Arcadia Software Dev.
Arcadia PowerList (APL) is a feature-rich multi-column bi-directional list with built-in XP/Flat/3D look. You can connect APL directly to SQL Server, Oracle and Access databases through OLE DB or to many 3rd party data source controls. APL enables you to edit cells, assign pictures to headers, cells and background, and apply different shading colors to rows. APL comes with margin setting and entry style management and is compatible with VB6/VB.NET/VC++/VC++.NET and supports East Asian languages.
- Submitted 6/17/2003