ActiveX Products by Century Soar Technology
» Found 15 items by Century Soar Technology

CST Aniline ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The AniLine can simulate data changing, object moving, liquid flowing and make 3D text animation. Its provide a powerful tool for designing aniline with moving picture, unit shape, unit color, move rate. it supports transparent for the background.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Gauge ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Gauge is a multi-purpose, highly customizable graphic component which can be designed for slider or linear gauge interface. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Panel, Pointer, Tic, Band, Caption etc for designing the control. With the dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Indicator ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Indicator provides a group of graphical bars that indicate multiple streams of real-time data. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Bar, Axis, Bands, Caption, etc for designing the control. With the dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for scientific, statistic and technical interfaces.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Instrumentation Studio for .NET
by Century Soar Technology
A collection of common instrumentation interface and graphic components for .NET. It includes 13 royalty-free runtime distribution client products developed for use in Windows Forms in Visual Studio.NET which relate to user-interface, gauge, indicator,instrumentation, chart ,trend, etc. These components are high-quality and very popular in the process control, MMI, scientific, engineering, simulation, and data acquisition communities.
- Submitted 9/7/2004

CST Knob ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Knob is a multi-purpose and highly customizable graphic component which can be designed for a knob interface. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Annular, Caption, Hand, Tic, etc for designing the control. With the dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Led ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The LED is a highly customizable graphic component for the LED interface. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of LED, Style, Caption, etc for designing the control. With the dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Meter ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Meter is a multi-purpose, highly customizable angular gauge component for display the technical graphic interface. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Panel, Pointer, Tic, Annular, Caption etc for designing the control. With the powerful dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST NumberLed ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The NumberLed is a excellent seven/fifteen segments LED used for displaying time, numeric or alphanumeric values. It provide powerful dynamic control of the sizes, widths and colors. You may specify the total number of display digits and the number of decimal digits.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Odometer ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Odometer is a numeric display component similar to an automobile's odometer or tripmeter. You can define the font, number of digits, colors, number of decimals. It is data-aware.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Percent ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Percent a multi-purpose, highly customizable instrumentation component which provides a versatile percentage interface used to indicate a level or progress. It can be customized to be progress bar, karaok text, pie, grid bar and so on and can be applied in many fields. The user can define the shapes of bar, ellipse, tank, funnel, thermometer, etc.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Selector ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Selector is a rotating switch component with multiple selections. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Selection, Hand, Mar, Captions etc for designing the control. With the dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Slider ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Slider is a versatile input/output instrument graphic component for display gauge or slider. It provide a powerful alterable tool includes multiple graphic elements of Bar, Knob, Tic, Caption etc for designing the control. With the powerful dynamic property page, it will be an easy-to-use element for display.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Toggle ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Toggle Switch control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF indicator. It displays either captions or pictures to represent the switch's state. It supports sound playing capabilities to indicate the switch turning on or off and timers to provide automatic cut off and blinking functionality.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

CST Trend ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
The Trend is a multi-purpose, highly customizable ,flexible, dynamic two-dimensional charting component that provides an ideal interface for viewing and analyzing multiple streams of real-time data. Scrolling and Sweeping functionality allows for quick review and in-depth analysis of data trends. Its dynamic property pages provide a powerful tool for designing charts with full control of tracks, bands, captions, fonts, and tics.
- Submitted 3/20/2000

Instrumentation Studio for ActiveX
by Century Soar Technology
A package of 15 common instrumentation interface and graphic components, which includes the AniLine, Annunciator, Gauge, Indicator, Knob, Led, Meter, NumberLed, Odometer, Percent, Selector, Slider, Toggle and Trend ActiveX components. This components package is very popular in the process control, MMI, scientific, engineering, simulation, and data acquisition communities.
- Submitted 3/20/2000