ActiveX Products by Cirkadia
» Found 2 items by Cirkadia

ActiveError Foundation
by Cirkadia
ActiveError Foundation makes it possible for VB developers to create robust, reliable and supportable apps and components.
Foundation's ActiveError Engine takes an active role in managing the consequences of the error, rather than just passively catchi
- Submitted 5/7/2001

by Cirkadia
Requiring no run time component or server interaction iNavigate’s explorer-style menus dynamically expands and collapses interactively with the user, providing a simple and intuitive navigational system.
Features unlimited menu depths, single HTML source, state persistence, server application compatibility, no frames dependency and 100% client-side processing etc.
Free Editon - full instructions for Navigate and an evaluation version of the Generator which features drag and drop menu
- Submitted 5/21/2001