ActiveX Products by CladaSoft
» Found 2 items by CladaSoft

by CladaSoft
CSCardX is a playing card component that can be used to create sophisticated card games. It includes several customizable features including: Customizable card backgrounds. Customizable card textures. Include jokers option. Random card selection functionality. Includes BONUS poker hand functionality. EXE demo with source included.
- Submitted 11/16/2003

by CladaSoft
CSPromptX is an embedable command prompt for use in your applications. It has many useful and cutomizable features including: Command history list, from 0 to whatever you choose. Exposes commands and arguments to your application for custom processing. Flexible multiline/single line/inline output with command result text. Unrestricted and customizable background color and font selection. Customizable initial heading. Customizable prompt. e.g. $> or C:\ etc.
- Submitted 11/11/2003