ActiveX Products by Cyotek
» Found 5 items by Cyotek

Ariad CommandButtonX
by Cyotek
Extended CommandButton control, with extensive configuration options for borders, colors, focus rectangles, picuture and caption placement, styles and events.
- Submitted 6/16/2001

Ariad FlatStrip
by Cyotek
Flat TabStrip style component with extensive customisable features and styles.
- Submitted 6/16/2001

Ariad ListBoxX
by Cyotek
ListBox control with extended support, such as multiple fonts, colors, pictures, display styles and complete ownerdraw support.
- Submitted 6/16/2001

Ariad Panel
by Cyotek
The Panel control is similar to the standard Frame control, but offers many more features, such as extended border styles, picture support, and multiple alignment and positioning options.
- Submitted 6/16/2001

Ariad StatusBarX
by Cyotek
Extended StatusBar control feauring numerous customisation properties, internal progressbar and animation styles, automatic client resizing and more.
- Submitted 6/16/2001