ActiveX Products by DBstep
» Found 9 items by DBstep

by DBstep
iFileDownload is an ActiveX component that allows you to download any files from an IIS web server to your web browser.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iFileUpload is an ActiveX component that allows you to upload any files from a web browser to your IIS Web server. You can save all file to disk or save to database.
- Submitted 8/14/2002

by DBstep
iHZConvert is an ActiveX component that allows you use ASP application to convert GB to BIG5 or BIG5 to GB.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
This ASP component resizes images. Supports JPG, BMP, GIF files and can export to JPG.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iPOP3Mail is an ActiveX component that allows you to receive mail. The mail component will connect to any standard POP3 server and receive the mail by standard format (TEXT & HTML). The component supports attachments and multiple recipients.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iSMTPMail is an ActiveX component that allows you use ASP application to send mail. The mail component will connect to any standard SMTP server and send the mail in any standard format (TEXT & HTML). The component supports attachments and multiple recipients.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iWebExecute is an ActiveX component that allows you to execute an application in a Browser (Internet Explorer).
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iWebOffice is an OA component that allows you to open a Word document from IIS Web server. You can edit the document and save the document to an IIS web server, save the document as file or save into a database.
- Submitted 8/16/2002

by DBstep
iWebPhoto 3.0 is an ASP component which could upload photo and resizes images.
- Submitted 6/18/2003