ActiveX Products by Dart Communications
» Found 17 items by Dart Communications

PowerTCP Zip Compression Tool
by Dart Communications
Easily add high-speed, reliable, zip/unzip functionality to applications for manipulation of files or memory. For simple jobs, the QuickZip and QuickUnzip methods perform compression and decompression of files with only one line of code. Other features include: password encryption functionality with optional AES encryption, WinZip and PKZip compatibility, multi-threaded model, ASP support, long file name support, spanning support, status monitoring in real-time, Visual C++ wrapper classes and .
- Submitted 4/2/2002

PowerTCP Emulation Tool
by Dart Communications
Keyboard remapping, invisible screen-scraping,VT graphic fonts, printing capabilities include auto print, printer- controller, print screen, print pass through for post-script printing, dynamic scroll-back buffer can view hundreds of lines, blocking operation perfect for hidden scripting apps, non-blocking operation supported for interactive, high-performance applications, automatic option negotiation, echo and window size. Includes .NET samples, a Debug Server, and Visual C++ wrapper classes.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP FTP for .Net
by Dart Communications
Filling the FTP gap in .NET, Dart brings you the most comprehensive and powerful FTP client development component available on the market today. Easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, plus direct access to the data connection for unprecedented levels of control and customization. In addition, a real-time send/receive feedback screen gives you a detailed view of client-server communications for unprecedented debugging capability. C# and VB.NET samples included!
- Submitted 4/2/2002

PowerTCP FTP Tool
by Dart Communications
Use on either client or server to perform file transfers, or use MGET method to download multiple files, even an entire directory tree, with a single line of code. File transfer options set using simple properties and automatically sent only when needed. Directory lists captured as objects, parsing is eliminated. Use in event driven or scripting apps. All Proxy types supported and automatic zip/unzip capability is available. Visual C++ wrapper classes,.NET samples and a Debug Server included.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP Mail for .NET
by Dart Communications
Create your .NET email solution with absolute flexibility and ease-of-use. Has powerful bi-directional MessageStream technology that lets you easily create, send, retrieve, and edit messages while the helper classes assist you in managing your email addresses. Complex HTML messages can be created with just one line of code. Plus, multiple WinForm templates with source code are included to help you design interactive solutions out-of-the-box.
- Submitted 8/7/2002

PowerTCP Mail Tool
by Dart Communications
Use SMTP component to send messages to any SMTP server. Use POP component to download messages from POP3 server. Use IMAP component to manage and download messages from IMAP server. The Message Object takes any MIME message and decodes it into object representation you can access programmatically. E-mail address verification supported. Includes Visual C++ wrapper classes, .NET samples, and a Debug Server included.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP Server Tool
by Dart Communications
Build your own custom server in Visual Basic. Utilizes an NT service control to build server-side applications that can run as a service. Use it to establish Inter-Process Communications (IPC) between apps, build a chat server, create an email server, FTP server, Flash server, or proxy server, and to develop apps to monitor NT Server. Includes a powerful Server Control, an FTP Server Control and a DNS Server Control with a TCP Control and a DNS Control. Visual C++ wrappers classes included.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP SNMP Tool
by Dart Communications
Management of network devices and applications, via SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 and the ASN.1 standard with the highest available compatibility and speed. Includes an Agent and a Manager Control, with a suite of supporting objects that include a MIB object for loading and parsing MIB files, an SNMP Message Object for encoding/decoding packets, an SNMP Table object and much more. Includes a powerful MIB Compressor for Enterprise MIB management, Service Control, Visual C++ wrapper classes, and .NET samples.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP SSL Sockets for .NET
by Dart Communications
Components for TCP, UDP, DNS, Ping, TraceRoute, and Server make it easy to build ANY network application. In addition, the SSLStream object enables SSL encryption for TCP-based communication.
- Submitted 11/7/2002

PowerTCP SSL Tool
by Dart Communications
Use the same security protocol that protects secure transactions world-wide. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption will ensure your data stays private as it travels across the public network. The product includes a secure TCP control, a secure TCP server control, a secure FTP control, a secure FTP Server control, a secure POP control, an NT Service control, and a Certificate List control for managing certificates. Numerous samples included.
- Submitted 1/17/2000

PowerTCP Telnet for .NET
by Dart Communications
Communicate with servers using Telnet, rsh, rlogin, or rexec. Designed for beginners and advanced developers with automated scripting and direct access to the data stream. Manages Telnet, rsh, rexec, and rlogin server sessions with fewer required lines of code, but greater flexibility. Ideal for .NET desktop and ASP.NET applications.
- Submitted 1/23/2004

PowerTCP Telnet Tool
by Dart Communications
Manage remote connections from within application. Write Windows front-end for Telnet sessions, make transparent calls to Unix hosts, control network devices, upload data to Unix host, query router for network statistics, and host of other remote administration uses. Visual C++ wrapper classes, Debug Server and .NET samples included.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP Web Tool
by Dart Communications
Features HTTP control to communicate with variety of web servers using industry-standard HTTP and HTTPS (secure Socket Layer) protocols. Automate submission of web forms, extract web page content, post/get files to/from web servers, schedule retrieval of web content, or generate site tree. Visual C++ wrapper classes, Debug Server, and .NET samples included.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP WebEnterprise Tool
by Dart Communications
Features two HTTP/S controls, one based on WinInet for solutions where WinInet functionality is desired and a second WinInet-free control, which can safely be used in ASP pages. Includes powerful WebPage object for HTML parsing and document retrieval enabling the reproduction of web sites locally. Certificate Management Support. Compatible with MS SOAP library. Visual C++ wrapper classes, Debug Server and .NET samples included.
- Submitted 8/8/2002

PowerTCP WebServer Tool
by Dart Communications
Write complete web application using preferred development environment. Create server side web application without learning ASP or Cold Fusion. Support for secure connections, SOAP, cookies, automatic file uploads, faster application deployment INCLUDED. Give web interface to any stand-alone application. Ability to customize the level of security, advanced debugging and .NET samples available. Can run as a service. Visual C++ wrapper classes included.
- Submitted 2/16/2000

PowerTCP Winsock Tool
by Dart Communications
Build robust Internet administration and management capability into application. Features include: advanced debugging, automatic error reporting, in-bound and out-bound buffering, etc. The PowerTCP Winsock Tool includes 7 VB.NET samples. All of these samples have VB6 counterparts so that VB.NET and VB6 functionality can be easily compared. Also includes a Debug Server to test your apps and Visual C++ wrapper classes.
- Submitted 8/4/1999

PowerTCP ZipLite Tool
by Dart Communications
Allows you to easily add high-speed, reliable, zip/unzip functionality to your applications with only one line of code. Like it's parent, the PowerTCP Zip Compression Tool, ZipLite has the fastest available compression/decompression performance on the market, offer s full wild card support, and is WinZipr and PKZIP compatible. For those with basic zip needs, the PowerTCP ZipLite Compression Tool has a simpler interface, AND a lower price! Includes Visual C++ wrapper classes and .NET samples.
- Submitted 8/8/2002