ActiveX Products by DataWizard Technologies
» Found 4 items by DataWizard Technologies

SocketBlock ActiveX Firewall SDK
by DataWizard Technologies
SocketBlock is a high performance ActiveX/COM packet filtering component that allows network applications to have the ability to filter packets from other applications attempting to connect/send to/from the machine using SocketBlock. SocketBlock allows the developer to add rules according to the originating and destination IP addresses, protocol and ports, along with a number of other options that define what packets should be filtered (both incoming and outgoing).
- Submitted 10/2/2001

SocksvrQ ActiveX Network Server SDK
by DataWizard Technologies
Built with VC++ 6 and ATL 3.0, SocksvrQ has been optimized for server applications under NT/2000 by using I/O completion ports to achieve the highest possible performance. Features include asynchronous and synchronous connects with timouts, and more.
- Submitted 6/2/2001

ViewPoint Network Diagnostic
by DataWizard Technologies
ViewPoint is a high performance ActiveX/COM DLL for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP that allows developers to troubleshoot, diagnose, and monitor a machines network activity. Available data includes information on current TCP/UDP connections, interface card information (such as the IP addresses and MAC addresses of cards present) and counters, route tables, net to media connection information, over 60 TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP stats and counters, and more.
- Submitted 10/2/2001

WinsockQ ActiveX Component 6.0
by DataWizard Technologies
WinsockQ is an ActiveX DLL component that provides simplified access to Winsock and TCP/IP without sacrificing reliabillity, flexibility, or speed. WinsockQ will allow developers to build internet/intranet server and client applications like FTP, Telnet,
- Submitted 4/11/2000