ActiveX Products by Data Dynamics, Ltd.

» Found 3 items by Data Dynamics, Ltd.

This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Data Dynamics, Ltd.

ActiveX Control

ActiveBar is a lightweight ActiveX Control that provides dockable toolbars, detachable menus, tabbed toolbars and more

  • Submitted 6/19/1998
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Data Dynamics, Ltd.

ActiveX Control

ActiveReports from Data Dynamics is an ActiveX Designer that is powerful and easy to learn

  • Submitted 6/19/1998
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Data Dynamics, Ltd.

ActiveX Control

DynamiCube is a lightweight ActiveX Control that provides flexible analytical interaction with large databases, giving users the advantage of multi-dimensional databases without creating one

  • Submitted 6/19/1998