ActiveX Products by Derdack GmbH
» Found 2 items by Derdack GmbH

message master SMS SDK
by Derdack GmbH
Add SMS and EMS messaging and paging to your applications. The message master SMS SDK offers the ability to send text messages to mobile phones and pagers using terminal dial-up (Modem/ISDN version). It also enables two-way SMS messaging using PC-connected GSM modems or phones (GSM/PCS version). The SMS SDK has been designed for international deployment. Local network operator setting can be managed through a flexible, configurable service list. The SMS SDK supports a broad range of SMS formats.
- Submitted 10/10/2002

SMSC Connectivity SDK
by Derdack GmbH
Build powerful two-way messaging applications. SMSC Connectivity SDK enables Short Message Service (SMS) messaging via direct GSM operator Short Message Service Center (SMSC) links. It enables rapid development of powerful two-way SMS messaging applications around the world. The SDK encapsulates TCP/IP and X.25 socket connectivity and the major SMSC communication protocols (SMPP,UCP,CIMD2,SemaOIS).
- Submitted 10/10/2002