ActiveX Products by DevSolutions
» Found 2 items by DevSolutions

DevSolutions Crypt
by DevSolutions
DevSolutionsCrypt library is a powerful and easy to use cryptographic ActiveX and DLL component for Windows developers that allows applications to encrypt/decrypt data or files using the latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms.It can be used to encrypt/decrypt strings,memory buffers,Blobs,Files and streaming data.
- Submitted 6/30/2003

DevSolutions FTP
by DevSolutions
DevSolutions FTP Library is designed to offer maximum flexibility and features while being the easiest to use product of its kind. Sending and receiving one or more files can be accomplished with only a single line of code.
A sample FTP client with fully commented source code is included with the library allowing you to find out how that?s done. The DevSolutions FTP protocol is a relatively simple client-side component for rapid transfer of files from the local hard disk to an FTP server.
- Submitted 6/30/2003