ActiveX Products by DinkIT Limited
» Found 12 items by DinkIT Limited

5 quality ActiveX control for $49
by DinkIT Limited
You can now purchase 5 quality AcitveX control from DinkIT for a low $49 ($99 with source code). Controls include: An Office XP style Listbar, a Windows XP style ExplorerBar, MSM Style notification windows, A Multi column combo box and a powerfull flow charting component.
- Submitted 11/20/2003

ActiveX Subscription
by DinkIT Limited
Buy all of our ActiveX components with a single low price subscription, that offers 12 months of updates, new products and technical support. This subscription includes Listbar AX, ExplorerBar AX, ComboPlus AX, Flow AX, Splash Panel AX and Dock Control AX.
- Submitted 11/8/2002

Combo Plus
by DinkIT Limited
This Active-X control allows you to display your data in a multiple column combo box giving your applications a professional look with a user friendly feel. This Data bound control works with any ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) data source including the ADO Data Control that ships with VB6. This control also includes a Style property that allows you to implement modern office 2000 and XP style combos.
- Submitted 4/29/2002

DinkIT Flow Control
by DinkIT Limited
DinkIT flow control is a royalty free activeX component that lets you quickly build flowchart-enabled applications.
DinkIT Flow comes with many pre built shapes ideal for flow chart creation, but DinkIT Flow is completely generic and allows you to easily implement your own custom shapes, with true color and alpha blending support, for that professional feel, that all users demand.
- Submitted 10/3/2002

DinkIT Listbar Source Code
by DinkIT Limited
Add office style listbars to applications; now includes XP Theme support and full source code.
- Submitted 8/8/2002

Dock Control
by DinkIT Limited
This ActiveX component allows you to add Docking toolbars to your Visual Basic applications, without having to write pages of source code. This simple control will turn the Standard miscrosoft toolbar into a state of the art docking toolbar enabling your application to have the latest look and feel.
- Submitted 4/14/2002

ExplorerBar AX
by DinkIT Limited
DinkIT ExplorerBar AX is a royalty free ActiveX control, that allows you to implement Microsoft Windows XPStyle ExplorerBar's into you applications. ExplorerBar is a fully configurable control that defaults to a familiar Windows XP style, but can easily be configured to you own custom style. ExplorerBar enable you to display many options in a small area, allowing you to create complex user interfaces, while maximizing screen realestate. Use the Built in imageList to store your own icons
- Submitted 10/14/2002

Messenger Style Popups
by DinkIT Limited
Add Microsoft Messenger style popup windows the your applications with this easy to use activeX component.
This component also provides system tray presence for your applications giving them that professional feel.
Fully customize the look and feel with configurable gradients, alpha blending and more...
- Submitted 9/3/2002

Multi Column Combo w Source code
by DinkIT Limited
This Active-X control allows you to display your data in a multiple column combo box giving your applications a professional look with a user friendly feel. This Data bound control works with any ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) data source including the ADO Data Control that ships with VB6. This control also includes a Style property that allows you to implement modern office 2000 and XP style combos. Now contains full vb source code
- Submitted 8/22/2002

Office Style Listbar
by DinkIT Limited
Add Microsoft office style listbars/ButtonBars to your applications with this simple to use ActiveX control. implement any look and fell including Office XP or Office 2000, Also has support for windows themes on Windows XP and above.
- Submitted 5/29/2002

by DinkIT Limited
SMARTDevelop is a replacement for the standard VB Project Explorer. It's a valuable enhancement for the Visual Basic IDE, providing the professional developer with some essential tools like extended search and detailed project view. Based upon features you can find in VC++, it gives just that extra touch to your development environment you were always looking for.
- Submitted 5/28/2003

XP Style ExplorerBar for .NET
by DinkIT Limited
Add stylish XP style ExplorerBars to all your .NET applications. Make use of FULL XP theme support, including custom theme classes and parts. Drag and drop support that allows your end users to customize the gui at runtime. Use any Windows Forms control as an ExplorerBar item allowing you to turn a simple explorerber into a complex gui. Download the evaluation copy, to view the included sample application (with source) which demonstrates all these powerful features and a few more.
- Submitted 12/19/2002