ActiveX Products by ELTIMA Software GmbH
» Found 15 items by ELTIMA Software GmbH

Absolute Color Picker AX Controle
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control - is a component that includes two dialogs: color selection dialog and gradient filling dialog. The component is easy to use and implement in your projects. You will save time, money and get excellent results! You can make your project look great only within few mouse clicks. Our component supports Alpha-channel technology to let you choose transparency level for the chosen color and allows editing gradients
- Submitted 7/18/2006

Eltima Serial Port Terminal
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Eltima Serial Port Terminal is an ideal tool for testing, debugging and troubleshooting serial port devices. It lets you work with numerous number of ports simultaneously, both serial and virtual ones. You can easily alter baudrate, databits, parity, stop bits, flow control parameters and dynamically apply these changes to serial port settings on the go. You can always check for history of typed commands.
- Submitted 12/17/2006

Eltima Serial Splitter CE
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Serial Splitter CE splits real serial ports into virtual ones. It is really useful if you need several applications to work with the same serial port on your mobile device (several apps to read from one GPS device). With Serial Splitter CE one program works with one virtual port, the other one with another port, etc., but in fact all of them work with the same split real port. You can create up to 20 equal virtual ports for splitting real ports.
- Submitted 4/27/2007

Hide My Folders ActiveX
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Your application files and folders hidden with Hide My Folders ActiveX cannot be accessed, searched for, viewed or deleted, therefore no one will know that they exist. Using Hide My Folders ActiveX methods and properties you could easily implement advanced hiding features in your application saving time and efforts while focusing on other tasks. Hide any number of files at once, making them secure and invisible in Safe mode and over the network.
- Submitted 8/30/2005

Java Chart Designer
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Create professionally looking presentations and reports with Java Chart Designer. Feature rich and powerful application gives you full power to create outstanding report and presentation projects. A user-friendly interface, great number of visual effects and predefined chart types, flexible chart components selection, powerful animation and on-screen real-time chart visualization make Java Chart Designer usage an easy and delightful experience.
- Submitted 9/20/2005

Manage Registry ActiveX Control
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Manage Registry ActiveX Control offers convenient set of methods and properties to access the Registry and perform all necessary operations (create, open, edit, delete, etc.) over various types of data. There is no need to drill the low-level Windows API functions: Manage Registry ActiveX provides simple functions (CreateKey, OpenKey, GetValue, SetValue and so on) that any level developers can easily handle, extend and implement into any applications.
- Submitted 7/28/2006

Run Service ActiveX
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Have you ever thought about writing applications as services giving them all flexibility and power of true Windows NT Service? Among its benefits you will be able to utilize automatic start at boot-time to ensure maximum uptime of the system-critical applications, running your programs at background without user interventions, remote administration, automatic restart and more! Now it is possible with Run Service ActiveX.
- Submitted 7/28/2006

Serail Port Monitor ActiveX
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Serial Port Monitor ActiveX Control detects serial port activity, determines all applications that work with serial port as well as controls serial port directly within your application.. Stability and speed of ActiveX component was greatly improved in this version, new methods and properties were added. This component can be easily extended with your own functionality, delivering new creative opportunities to serial port application development.
- Submitted 7/28/2006

Serial Port ActiveXControl
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Serial Port AX Control is a powerful ActiveX component that lets developers quickly and effectively organize work with serial ports. Serial Port AX Control makes communicating with external devices on rs232 connection really fast and reliable. Serial Port AX Control offers control of such devices as modems, bar code readers, navigational devices and others through a serial port. Includes examples for Microsoft VC++ and Microsoft Visual Basic.
- Submitted 10/21/2004

Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Serial Port Sniffer is a powerful advanced ActiveX Control that allows your application to sniff (fully monitor and edit data flows) serial port in your system. Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control detects all serial port activity in your system, all applications that work with serial port and all the data that is being sent and received can be easily monitored with SPS ActiveX Control within your own application.
- Submitted 7/28/2006

Virtual Modem PRO
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Virtual Modem PRO works for every automation system that collects data from remote hosts using modem and telephone line. Virtual Modem PRO creates virtual com ports and attaches virtual modems to them, which work in the same way as real ones (support Hayes AT commands), however use TCP/IP protocol to connect to remote host. This gives better speed and reliability of transmitted data as well as up to 255 modems that can be created in any system.
- Submitted 4/29/2006

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Virtual Serial Port is a powerful ActiveX Control that allows your application create custom additional virtual serial port and fully control it. Created virtual port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual com port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own data to virtual port, which will be received by other applications like from a real one.
- Submitted 1/26/2006

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX CE
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Virtual Serial Port ActiveX CE is a powerful advanced ActiveX Control for Embedded platforms that allows your software to create custom additional virtual serial ports in Windows CE system and fully control them from within your own program. Virtual serial ports you will create look and work absolutely like real serial ports for other Windows CE applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual serial port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own data
- Submitted 7/19/2006

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Virtual Serial Port is a powerful advanced ActiveX Control that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual com port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own data to virtual port, which will be received by other Windows applications like from a real one.
- Submitted 7/19/2006

Virtual Serial Port Driver XP4.5
by ELTIMA Software GmbH
Virtual Serial Port Driver XP (VSPD XP) creates virtual com ports in your system and connects them via reliable virtual link, which emulates real null-modem cable. With VSPD XP you can connect one application to another using virtual serial ports pair. Applications will be able to exchange data. The latest version of VSPD XP now supports full baudrate emulation. New manual and examples are available.
- Submitted 10/4/2004