ActiveX Products by EUTELSIS
» Found 3 items by EUTELSIS

Eutelsis form validator (Euform)
Euform validator validates HTML form fields for Web sites running under Windows servers.
With Euform, you easily check the data submitted by the Internet user. It is not a lightweight check but a heavyweight one.
Euform really helps you developing a simple and reliable way to validate your form, even the most complex one.
- Submitted 5/7/2002

Eutelsis shopping cart (Eushopping)
Eushopping cart is an Internet Shopping Cart software for merchant web sites running under Windows servers.
Thanks to the flexibility of eushopping cart, to the richness of its functions, the performance and the simplicity of its API, eushopping cart perfectly adapts to the most complex projects.
The aim of eushopping cart is to enable you to develop personalized merchant web sites in only some lines of ASP code.
Eushopping cart is FREE for an use under Win98, ME and XP Home.
- Submitted 1/17/2002

Eutelsis timekeeper (Eutimekeeper)
Eutimekeeper is a software managing the lifespan of Application and Session ASP variables for web sites running under Windows servers.
A countdown is associated with each value (result set, array...) stored by Eutimekeeper. At the end of the time limit, the value is destroyed by Eutimekeeper.
Thanks to this time management, Eutimekeeper offers you a new approach in the development of your ASP pages. Your source code is simplified and your web sites are much more powerful.
- Submitted 1/17/2002