Ektron CMS300 ActiveX Product

Ektron CMS300

by Ektron, Inc.

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Ektron CMS300, a full-featured XML content management solution, lets users author XML and HTML Web content. Strictly enforces content and page layout, delivers to multiple devices, offers Active Directory and load balancing support, and shares XML content in B2B transactions. Runs on ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, and ColdFusion platforms.

Note: Active-X.COM has not tested this software. It was submitted directly by the software publisher and listed on Active-X.COM for your convenience. It is advised that you only download and install software from sites you trust.

Additional Information

Publisher Ektron, Inc.
Version v4.8
List Price $6600 (U.S.)
Category Utilities
License Trial
Submitted 12/26/2002
Usage Active Server Page Object ActiveX ASP
100% .NET Compatible 100% .NET Compatible
Special Requirements Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) 2.0 or higher, ASP.NET, Macromedia ColdFusion Professional Server 4.0.1 or higher using Microsoft IIS or PWS; PHP, ColdFusion MX