ActiveX Products by Exontrol Inc.
» Found 45 items by Exontrol Inc.

Ex(Skin)Button Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Use the Exontrol's Ex(Skin)Button to apply skins to your buttons. Features include: WYSWYG Skin Builder, WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor, multiple-lines HTML caption or tooltips and more. Ability to build toolbars with special look.
- Submitted 1/29/2004

ExCalc Component
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's eXCalc component provides calculator features to your application as for your Web pages too. Features includes: Custom/Picture appearance, ability to specify the layout for control's buttons, and more things that you would expect from a calculator ActiveX control
- Submitted 8/16/2004

by Exontrol Inc.
Enrich your application with an easy-to-use edit control that supports arithmetic operations. Get results on the fly. The result is displayed as the user types the expression. The control handles double constants and arithmetic operations like +( addition ), - ( subtraction ), / ( division ), or * ( multiply ). To enforce a priority, you can use parentheses ().
- Submitted 9/3/2006

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExCalendar Library contains two ActiveX controls, simple version and drop-down version that allow you to select a date with a nice GUI. You can select the date between 1/1/100 and 12/31/9999, Both versions support images, colors, font attributes, tooltips for any date.
Full context sensitive on-line help, samples code
- Submitted 1/31/2002

ExChange Currency Conversion Ctrl
by Exontrol Inc.
Perform currency conversions. The ExChange library contains two COM objects, ExChange and ExChart. The ExChange is a COM object for performing conversions between a currency and hundreds of other international currencies. The ExChart component display the exchange rates between two international currencies into a given interval. As with any currency converter, it's vitally important that you have the latest exchange rates. That's why ExChange gets the rates from Internet.
- Submitted 12/15/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
the ExComboBox represents some of the most advanced combobox technology available in the components marketplace. Features include: data bounding, multiple columns, multiple edit controls, list, tree, simple, dropdown and dropdownlist styles, colors and font attributes for cells, items or columns, images, built-in HTML format, FilterBar support, WYSWYG Template/Layout support, incremental search feature, mouse wheel support,ANSI and UNICODE versions, and a lot more.
- Submitted 11/1/2001

ExDialog - Animation control
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExDialog ActiveX control, similar with the Microsoft Office Assistant, is a new type of control that allows attaching pictures to your form or dialog. The control lets you add interactive personalities to your application or Web site. The control can be anchored to the container edges. The control enables software developers and Web authors to incorporate a new object of user interaction. The control allows attaching callouts, arrows, personalities, captions, etc to your form or dialog.
- Submitted 7/15/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExDictClient ActiveX control is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. The ExDictClient ActiveX control uses the DICT Protocol, described in RFC 2229. The ExDictClient is easy to use, and it does not require to much experience to use it. The ExDictClient is built using ATL to keep it small.
- Submitted 11/1/2001

ExEdit - Syntax/HTML Edit Control
by Exontrol Inc.
Add to your application an easy-to-use edit control that supports built-in HTML format, and syntax highlighting as well. You can define your own keywords and expressions using HTML tags. The control is fully written in C++ using ATL. The control doesn't required addition files or libraries like MFC or else.
- Submitted 11/14/2002

ExEditors Library
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExEditors Library, a 100% ATL based component suite, contains 16 data edit controls in a single ActiveX control. Each editor can have a three-state check box associated and an unlimited number of buttons on the left or right side. Each button can display an icon or a picture and can have its own tool tip. Most of the editors are mask based. Here’s the list of all editors and their short descriptions:
+ None: Provides a standard label control
+ Edit: Provides a standard text edit control
- Submitted 3/18/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
A built from the ground up using 100% ATL-based code, The ExEMail can be dropped into any language that supports ActiveX thus enabling an application to support full mail and file attachment transfers. ExEmail is fully SMTP RFC-compliant and provides support for binary (MIME) attachments and HTML email. The ExEMail is able to find the mail server where the message should be sent, from the recipent's email address.
- Submitted 12/16/2001

by Exontrol Inc.
Provide rich display of file and folder information from within your applications. ExFileView is an ActiveX component for creating Windows Explorer-style functionality. Files with different attributes can be displayed with different color, background color, font, etc. It can also filter the files based on files extensions using Include or Exclude clauses. The ExFileView component is able to change the displayed icon, or type file, supports Drag & Drop, incremental search, mouse wheel and more. T
- Submitted 11/1/2001

by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new eXFolderView component provides a folder list view which is identical to the left side of your Windows Explorer. Using eXFolderView you can easily present a list of folders to your users.
- Submitted 8/26/2008

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's exG2antt component is an editable grid component that includes Gantt chart features. The ex(G)rid-ex(G)antt, shortly exG2antt, combines the exGrid and exGantt components in a standalone component. The exG2antt component shows timeline charts on a multi-columns tree control. The exG2antt library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
- Submitted 8/3/2006

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExGantt component is our approach to create timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts). Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display of activity durations.
- Submitted 6/10/2005

ExGrid Compoment
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol’s new exGrid control an easy-to-implement grid control, provides swift and robust performance and a wide range of formatting features that distinguish it from other grids. It perfectly combines the exTree features with the very popular exEditors library. The object model is rich, intuitive and flexible.
- Submitted 6/12/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's exHTTP is a HTTP client component that provides easy interface to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol. Its primary purpose is to retrieve documents from the WEB. With a minimal amount of code you can get a document from the WEB to a string or to a safe array. The exHTTP component doesn't require additional libraries. It just uses the HTTP protocol (rfc2616).
- Submitted 9/3/2006

ExInbox POP3 Client
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExInbox ia simple-to-use POP3 client library that allows mail readers to connect to many POP servers and manage email. It implements the client side of RFC 1939.
- Submitted 7/4/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's eXLabel component provides HTML labels for your forms or dialogs. A label control displays static text on a forms and allows you to manipulate it programmatically. The eXLabel control easily replaces the Standard Windows label by supporting most of the same properties, methods and events. In addition, you have complete control over how the label is to be displayed
- Submitted 1/21/2009

by Exontrol Inc.
Add an advanced List control to your application. The exList ActiveX control is 32-bit light ActiveX, that displays and edit your tabular data. Features include: data bounding, multiple columns, sorting, multiple selection, user resizable columns, columns dragable, locked or unlocked columns, drag and drop, cells can be formatted individually, or via columns or rows, radio buttons, images, check boxes, multi-line list items, incremental search feature, mouse wheel support, column alignment right
- Submitted 11/1/2001

by Exontrol Inc.
Add the latest GUI design to your application with this fully customizable, 100% ATL-authored listbar component, an accurate reproduction of the Microsoft Outlook Bar. Includes nice animation.
- Submitted 8/18/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExLookupDN COM object is a DNS (Domain Name Service) COM component that can be used for network diagnosing, troubleshooting, and monitoring. The ExLookpNS allows developers to integrate the DNS protocol message sending capability into their applications. The ExLookupNS's object model is rich, flexible and very intuitive.
- Submitted 11/30/2001

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExMaskEdit ActiveX control handles the format of text entered by the user. What does ExMaskEdit provide, and other mask edit control doesn't? The ExMaskEdit control provides a nice and useful feature, that we called multimask ( haven't seen it before ) , that means that the control is able to handle more than a mask at runtime. Sometime, your mask doesn't fit all the requirements, or the masking rules are limited, so you are unable to use a standard mask edit control.
- Submitted 12/7/2001

ExMenu ActiveX Control
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol Inc. is pleased to announce the release of ExMenu ActiveX control, an ultimate menu control. The ExMenu ActiveX is a complete new type of control that displays and handles more than a menu for your application. The ExMenu simulates menu bar, popup menu, options button, toolbar, pick list, and more. Make you application more intuitive using the ExMenu.
HOT! ability to add an edit control to any menu item
HOT! ability to display the menu horizontally and vertically as well
- Submitted 4/12/2002

EXMLGrid Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new eXMLGrid control provides an innovative grid view look and handles data in XML fashion way. It provides swift and robust performance and a wide range of formatting features never seen on other grids.
- Submitted 7/5/2004

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExNNTP control is 32-bit light COM that provides easy and flexible way to handle news (NNTP) messages. The Net News Transfer Protocol(NNTP) is a TCP/IP protocol based upon text strings sent bidirectionally over 7 bit ASCII TCP channels. It is used to transfer articles between servers as well as to read and post articles. XOver (overview database ) header are supported.
- Submitted 11/27/2001

ExOrgChart, Organigram Tree Control
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExOrgChart component permits the totally automatic generation of organigrams.
Features Include:
- Ability to explore only a branch of the organigram
- Ability to display multiple layers of the organigram
- Ability to assign multiple HTML lines to any node
- Ability to assign icons, pictures to the node aligned to any side of it.
- Mouse wheel support
- Ability to scroll the organigram using the mouse or keyboard
- and more
- Submitted 6/9/2003

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExplorerBar ActiveX control, an accurate reproduction of the Microsoft XP Explorer Bar, provides an intuitive user-interface when large amounts of information need to be presented. The object model is rich and intuitive.
- Submitted 9/15/2002

ExplorerTree Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Add structured navigation functionality to your applications. The ExplorerTree component adds navigation functionality to your applications, it brings simple information structuring and easy application navigation.
- Submitted 1/13/2004

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExPopupMenu ActiveX control allows you to display and handle a shortcut menu (window popup menu) or a window's menu bar. The ExPopupMenu control contains also a MenuButton object that allows attaching a popup menu to a push button. Building the menu is more than intuitive because the control provides a WYSIWYG editor, at design time.
- Submitted 11/1/2001

ExPrint, Print and Print Preview
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol ExPrint component is an advanced printing system specifically to bring your User Interface to the printed page. The ExPrint component provides Print and Print Preview features for components like: exGrid, exTree, exList, exCalendar, exComboBox, exPropertiesList, exFileView, and so on.
- Submitted 2/7/2003

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExPropertiesList control (similar to the control used to manipulate properties in Visual Studio) provides an efficient, intuitive and visually compact way to handle data input with minimal coding and user interface design. A built from the ground up using 100% ATL-based code, the ExPropertiesList represents some of the most advanced properties list technology available in the ActiveX marketplace. The ExPropertiesList accepts even custom properties. You can browse a non ActiveX control.
- Submitted 11/1/2001

ExRecord Container Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new exRecord control is a container component that displays a set of editors added manually or bounded to a table in a database. The exRecord name comes from the record, that's a set of fields that contain related information, in database type systems. The exRecord significantly reduces development time of data components
- Submitted 1/27/2005

ExResizer ActiveX Control
by Exontrol Inc.
Add intelligent resizing and layout management to Visual Basic forms. The ExResizer allows you to resize controls in a form proportionally or maintain the components' anchored sizes and positions. ExReSize alters the sizes and positions of controls on Visual Basic forms as they are sized, without requiring you to write any code! Simply drop the control onto the form, and you instantly have the ability to resize any control proportionally, by selecting the Anchor property.
- Submitted 2/13/2002

by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new exRolList control handles and displays lists on an elliptic shape. The exRolList rotates the list to let items being visible, and so no scrolls are required. Features include: incremental search feature, WYSWYG Template/Layout editor, unlimited options to display items using HTML format, ability to assign multiple HTML lines tooltips to items, and more.
- Submitted 8/25/2003

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's newly exScrollBar control simulates vertical or horizontal scroll bar, slider, track, volume or gauge controls. The exScrollBar component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure. Skins are relatively easy to build and put on any part of the control
- Submitted 10/21/2006

by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new ExShellView component provides a file list view which is identical with the right pane of your Windows Explorer. The look and behavior of eXShellView control is the same as you would run your Windows Explorer in a form.
- Submitted 8/26/2008

by Exontrol Inc.
ExSkin is an ActiveX control that enables you to change the visual appearance of your project's forms, providing you with the skin (or look&feel) support. Now you can do: any kind of window captions, frames, client and non-client areas and more. Also, the control contains a Builder component that helps you to create new
- Submitted 11/1/2001

ExSkinBox Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new ExSkinBox offers you skinable message and input boxes. A message box is a dialog box that displays a prompt and ends when the user clicks a button. An input box is a dialog box that waits for the user to input text or click a button.
- Submitted 3/10/2004

ExSuite Complete Developer Package
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol Inc now offers a powerful suite of controls for building applications. The Exontrol's suite provides you with a series of powerful and easy-to-use list-tree-grid-combo controls, for the display of recursive data in your application
- Submitted 8/26/2003

ExTab Skin based TAB control
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol ExTab component is a SKIN based TAB control. A tab control is analogous to the dividers in a notebook or the labels in a file cabinet. By using a tab control, an application can define multiple pages for the same area of a form or dialog box. Each page consists of a certain type of information or a group of controls that the application displays when the user selects the corresponding tab.
- Submitted 1/27/2003

by Exontrol Inc.
A built from the ground up using 100% C++/ATL-based code, the Exontrol's eXTexture component does cube map texturing. Cube map texturing is a form of environment texture mapping that uses a viewing direction (3D vector) to map into a view plane with six 2D textures arranged like the faces of a cube.
- Submitted 8/3/2006

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExToolTip provides featured tooltips for your application. The tooltip is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a mouse pointer. The user hovers the cursor over an item, without clicking it, and a small box appears with supplementary information regarding the item being hovered over. Adding the component to your projects is very easy, and requires only a few lines of code.
- Submitted 1/21/2009

by Exontrol Inc.
Add an enhanced exTree component to your application. exTree provides the entire range of capabilities you would expect to see in a state-of-the-art Tree component. Features include multiple columns, buil-in HTML support, WYSWYG Template/Layout editor, FilterBar support, ActiveX hosting (you can place any ActiveX component in any item of the tree), events from contained components are fired through to your program using the exact same model used in VB6, NET ready ...
- Submitted 11/1/2001

by Exontrol Inc.
The ExZoom ActiveX control shows magnified the area of the screen pointed by the cursor. The user has to click on controls window and then he has to drag the focused rectangle (ellipse) to the area that need to be magnified. The edges of the control can be of rectangular type, or can be of elliptical type. When the elliptical type is set the control draws only the area delimited by the ellipse. The control allows copying the image into the clipboard.
- Submitted 1/6/2002