ActiveX Products by Gardos Software
» Found 2 items by Gardos Software

by Gardos Software
AVAX includes over 500 properties, methods, and events to provide full control over vector drawings. You can export images to virtually any image type, including DWG, DXF, SVG, PLT, PIC, and WMF.
- Submitted 12/14/2000

by Gardos Software
gsRTFWriter is an object oriented ActiveX DLL for generating documents in Rich Text Format(RTF files) Features: Page format (width, height, margins etc.) - Fonts: size, character set, style and colors. - Paragraph formatting: justification, indentation, border, shading - color, etc. - Embedded graphics. - Headers - footers. - Tables. - Drawing objects (line, ellipse, rectangle, polygon, polyline and text box) - Document information.
- Submitted 2/2/2005