ActiveX Products by Geoteachsoft
» Found 12 items by Geoteachsoft

Image Animation with transp (Free)
by Geoteachsoft
Sprite or Frame Image Animation ActiveX with transparency property is 32bit OLE Control Module for OLE container to Animate JPG, BMP, DIB, GIF, WMF, sprite images. User can set Auto Size, Loop, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping pong) and time. User can set transparency (Auto for Background, and custom for another color). User can start and finish animation from any frame of sprite image.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Animation GIF With transp. Free
by Geoteachsoft
User can display GIF files (GIF87a, GIF89a and transparent) in the OLE container. ActiveX support all GIF89a standards, including transparecy, animation, looping, delay time, etc. Auto Size, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping-pong).Transparency (Auto for Background and custom for another color). ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platfors.ActiveX has same functions as the originals but distributing is prohibited.
- Submitted 2/9/2004

Animation GIF with transparency
by Geoteachsoft
User can display GIF files (GIF87a, GIF89a and transparent) in the OLE container. ActiveX support all GIF89a standards, including transparent, animation, looping, delay time, etc. User can set Auto Size, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping-pong) User can set transparency (Auto for Background and custom for another color). Gif animation ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platforms
- Submitted 2/9/2004

Animation GIF Without transp. Free
by Geoteachsoft
Using GIF Animation ActiveX without transparency property, user can display GIF files (GIF87a, GIF89a ) in the OLE container. User can set Auto Size, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping-pong). Gif animation ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platforms.GIF Animation has the same properties and functions as the originals but distributing is prohibited
- Submitted 2/9/2004

Animation GIF Without transparency
by Geoteachsoft
Using GIF Animation ActiveX without transparency property, user can display GIF files (GIF87a, GIF89a ) in the OLE container. User can set Auto Size, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping-pong). Gif animation ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platforms.
- Submitted 2/9/2004

Custom or Free Form Shape ActiveX
by Geoteachsoft
ActiveX customize the shape of the windows. User can set the windows shape according the picture. Custom Form Shape ActiveX can be used with any Forms or Controls which hWnd user know. FreeForm.ocx can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platforms.After you register, you will receive a registration key that you can input in dialogue box. After registration you can distribute the ActiveX with your applications to your customers.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Custom Form Shape ActiveX (Free)
by Geoteachsoft
ActiveX customize the shape of the windows. User can set the windows shape to a picture. Custom Form Shape ActiveX can be used with any Forms or Controls which hWnd user know. FreeForm.ocx can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and support most popular development platforms. Free ActiveX has same properties and functions as the original but distributing is prohibited.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Image Command Button ActiveX
by Geoteachsoft
Image Button ActiveX is a 32-bit OLE Control Module for OLE container to customize the command button with over, up and down picture and user can change the time of button click reaction or freeze. User can set the button over, up, down text and can change text color. User can set the button background transparency or manual change transparency of any color. Image button ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT and supports most popular development platforms.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Image Command Button ActiveX (Free)
by Geoteachsoft
Image Button ActiveX to customize the command button with over, up end down picture and user can change the time of button click reaction or freeze. User can set the button over, up, down text and can change text color. User can set the button background transparency or manual change transparency of any color.ActiveX can run in Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/NT.ActiveX has the same properties and functions as the originals but distributing is prohibited.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Sprite Image Animation with transp.
by Geoteachsoft
Sprite or Frame Image Animation ActiveX with transparency property is a 32-bit OLE Control Module for OLE container to Animate JPG, BMP, DIB, GIF, WMF, sprite images. User can set Auto Size, Loop, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping pong) and time. User can set transparency (Auto for Background, and custom for another color). User can start and finish animation from any frame of sprite image.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Sprite, Frame Image Animation
by Geoteachsoft
Sprite or Frame Image Animation ActiveX without transparency property is 32bit OLE Control Module for OLE container to Animate JPG, BMP, DIB, GIF, WMF, sprite images. User can set Auto Size, Loop, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping pong) and time. User can start and finish animation from any frame of sprite image.
- Submitted 2/23/2004

Sprite,Frame Image Animation (Free)
by Geoteachsoft
Sprite or Frame Image Animation ActiveX with transparency property is a 32bit OLE Control Module for OLE container to Animate JPG, BMP, DIB, GIF, WMF, sprite images. User can set Auto Size, Loop, custom playing sequence (standard, reverse, ping pong) and time. User can start and finish animation from any frame of sprite image. Free ActiveX has the same properties and functions as the originals but distributing is prohibited.
- Submitted 2/23/2004