ActiveX Products by Gravitybox Software
» Found 7 items by Gravitybox Software

Gravitybox ColorCombo
by Gravitybox Software
This ActiveX control mimics the color dropdown in Frontpage. It looks like a combobox that drops down 16 predefined colors, It also has an addition 127 colors in the color hexagon available on a popup screen. There is also the ability to allow users to choose an
- Submitted 12/22/2000

Gravitybox ControlPack
by Gravitybox Software
ControlPack is a collection of 7 controls for your development environment. It includes a calendar, datebox, optionlist, checklist, notebook, picklist, and toolbar. These can be used in a variety of applications to add great functionality to your GUI.
- Submitted 6/21/2000

Gravitybox Dials
by Gravitybox Software
These components allow you to add a number of dials and gauges to any application. These can be used to display information to users in a more readable format then text or spreadsheet. The pack of controls includes a LED, 3 sliders, and a stereo bar. Use
- Submitted 12/22/2000

Gravitybox Graphs
by Gravitybox Software
GbGraphs allows you to construct applications with Bar, Gantt, and Line graphs. The control is small and allows you to quickly add this functionality to any application.
- Submitted 6/21/2000

Gravitybox Hotspot
by Gravitybox Software
GbHotspot allows you to construct hotspots on a picture. Set the background picture and then define areas that are
- Submitted 12/22/2000

Gravitybox ListBar
by Gravitybox Software
This control allows you to build applications with the ListBar popularized by MS-Outlook. The ListBar is a substitute for a treeview of two levels.
- Submitted 1/25/1999

Gravitybox Schedule
by Gravitybox Software
This ActiveX control allows you to develop scheduling applications. It can handle any number of appointments with color-coded categories. Allows for drag and drop schedule moves or copies. The control can be displayed in any of six ways or modes.
- Submitted 1/25/1999