ActiveX Products by HPH-Software GmbH
» Found 2 items by HPH-Software GmbH

ActiveBlue 2 - ActiveX
by HPH-Software GmbH
The ActiveBlue 2 - ActiveX allows you to transfer files from your applications to a Bluetooth device easily and effortlessly. Also it enables your applications to receive files from Bluetooth devices.
The ActiveBlue 2 - ActiveX can be used with all development platforms which support ActiveX controls (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 etc.).
- Submitted 12/16/2006

ActiveRed 2 - ActiveX
by HPH-Software GmbH
ActiveRed allows you to transfer files with your applications to IrDA devices easily and effortlessly. Also it enables your applications to receive files from IrDA devices.
The ActiveRed 2 - ActiveX can be used with all development platforms which support ActiveX controls (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 etc.).
- Submitted 12/16/2006