ActiveX Products by HakanSoft Software House
» Found 4 items by HakanSoft Software House

Formula Engine Component
by HakanSoft Software House
This ActiveX component evaluates string expressions. It contains rich set of numeric, logical and string operators. It also allows you to define variables dynamically. And even, you can define, reach elements of multi-dimensional arrays.
- Submitted 10/23/1999

HSProcess Component
by HakanSoft Software House
An ActiveX control which runs processes in a Win32 operating system. Its features include capturing standard output and input, manipulating environment variables, wait for it to finish and suspend, resume and terminate its execution. Also it has the a
- Submitted 1/10/1999

by HakanSoft Software House
An ActiveX component which is used to manipulate Windows Registry and INI files in an easy and consistent way. Also it can modify a remote computer's registry.
- Submitted 2/24/1999

SendMail Component
by HakanSoft Software House
This component allows sending e-mail messages over the Internet programmatically. With version 2.0. it can send HTML encoded messages and attach files.
- Submitted 3/22/1999