ActiveX Products by Harmonium Software

» Found 5 items by Harmonium Software

This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Harmonium Software

ActiveX Control

Equator is a FREE, simple yet powerful control that lets you evaluate mathematical expressions represented as strings. Supports basic arithmetic operations, exponents and unlimited parentheses! Complete VB source provided.

  • Submitted 3/6/2000
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Harmonium Software

ActiveX Control

GameGrid will display and update a square board for any type of
game. Set the board size, point it to the appropriate graphics.
Handles events, so you can design a user interface, and will update
board as pieces are moved.

  • Submitted 3/19/2000
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Harmonium Software

ActiveX Control

Resolver is a free, simple yet powerful control that lets you
evaluate mathematical expressions represented as strings, even
those with comparaisons of the type you would find in

  • Submitted 8/13/2000
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Harmonium Software

ActiveX Control

VarTable is a completely free companion control to my earlier Equator, but it is also powerful on its own. It lets you define variables and arrays with string names at runtime. Set and adjust values, and translate string equations that use them.

  • Submitted 3/16/2000
This ActiveX product has no screen shot


by Harmonium Software

Visual Basic Add-In

X.App is a utility that turns any ActiveX control into a self-
executing application. It embeds your control into an HTML document, then creates an executable that points to it.

  • Submitted 4/4/2000