ActiveX Products by JAM Software
» Found 2 items by JAM Software

JamDTA ActiveX Control
by JAM Software
JamDTA is an ActiveX component allows you to build DTA-files that contain standardized information about money tranfers (wire transfers) between German banks.
- Submitted 2/10/2005

ShellBrowser Components for Delphi
by JAM Software
The ShellBrowser components give a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The TJamShellList, TJamShellTree and TJamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer The TShellBrowser component provides an easy interface to the Windows shell interface. For any object all components can show the explorer context menu, the properties page, the correct icon, thumbnail and much more.
- Submitted 3/1/2004