ActiveX Products by LDrive
» Found 4 items by LDrive

MsgBar (VB5)
by LDrive
LDrive MsgBar is a user notification tool that offers several improvements to the StatusBar. The Post method scrolls all previous entries - a built-in history list! You have complete control over the content and behavior of the control, no coding needed.
- Submitted 2/26/1999

NewsList (VB5)
by LDrive
LDrive NewsList displayes pages of text in a newpaper-like style. It can resize itself automatically, and rotate through the internal collection of NewsItems on a timer.
- Submitted 2/26/1999

ViewPort (VB5)
by LDrive
LDrive ViewPort is an ActiveX control that allows the programmer to create a virtual window of any size. ViewPort can automatically reposition the virtual window to expose child controls when they receive focus.
- Submitted 2/26/1999

WizardX (VB5)
by LDrive
The WizardX control removes the drudgery involved in making great wizards. Properties allow you to set sequences, appearance and behavior without coding. Events like Reposition, Validate, and FinishClick allow coding to the natural flow of the wizard.
- Submitted 2/26/1999