ActiveX Products by MKII Studios
» Found 9 items by MKII Studios

MKII Encrypt Control
by MKII Studios
The MKII Encrypt Control is an Active X control that simplifies encrypting and decrypting strings. With one easy to use, powerful function, the MKII Encrypt Control makes securing data a breeze.
- Submitted 2/5/2001

MKII Execute App Control
by MKII Studios
The MKII Execute App Control is an Active X control that simplifies execution of programs. This control contains just one function to launch programs, URLS and more.
- Submitted 2/5/2001

by MKII Studios
Why will you love IIS Studio?
Your customers will love the added functionality built into their web sites and ftp servers, and will love the ability for them to help themselves.
See our website for more information.
- Submitted 2/1/2001

MKII INI Control
by MKII Studios
The MKII INI Control is an Active X control that simplifies reading and writing .ini files. With two easy to use, powerful functions, the MKII INI Active X Control makes reading / writing .ini files a breeze.
- Submitted 2/5/2001

MKII Progress Bar Control
by MKII Studios
This control provides a percentage indicator on the control, and allows you to select the fore colour and back colour of the progress bar, as well as the font face and size of the percentage display of the control.
- Submitted 2/5/2001

by MKII Studios
The MKII SQL Driver has been created to ease administration and development of data driven sites and weblications that rely on Microsoft's SQL Server as a data platform.
- Submitted 2/1/2001

MKII Stay On Top Control
by MKII Studios
The MKII Stay On Top Control is an Active X control that simplifies use of form Z Order. With one easy to use, powerful function, the MKII Stay On Top Control makes customizing form Z Order a breeze.
- Submitted 2/5/2001

MKII System Tray + Active X Control
by MKII Studios
This control contains many features, while remaining easy to use, efficient, and powerful.
Events capture the users interaction with the system tray, allowing developers precise control on exactly how and when the system tray icon is accessed.
- Submitted 2/1/2001

MKII Windows Control
by MKII Studios
The MKII Windows Control is an Active X control that simplifies use of many Windows functions. This control contains just one function, but provides developers with access to applets within the control panel, and more.
- Submitted 2/5/2001