ActiveX Products by Mabry Software, Inc.
» Found 34 items by Mabry Software, Inc.

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry Software's BarCode ActiveX OCX/VBX makes bar code display and printing simple and fast. Pick the bar code symbology, set size and orientation, and finally set the text caption with a value. Nothing else to do! Supports UPC, EAN, Code 39, Code 2 of 5, Code 128, PostNet, and many more. Uses metafiles.
- Submitted 2/26/2002

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Encoder/X provides an easy and powerful way to handle the data encoding formats used by various Internet protocols. There are four encoding types used by protocols such as mail and news, Base64, BinHex 4.0, Quoted-Printable, and UU.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new FileView/X component provides a file list view which is identical to that seen in the Windows Explorer. Using FileViewX you can easily present a list of files to users which they can, optionally, be allowed to display as they like.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Finger/X ActiveX control and COM object requests user information from another host. Some hosts will return little information, some hosts return large amounts of information, some return none at all.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new Firewall/X OCX & COM objects make it easy to write custom firewall/proxy servers. FirewallX provides direct support for the standard proxy/firewall types: telnet, FTP, finger/whois, Socks, pipe, and HTTP.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new FolderView/X component provides a folder list view which is identical to that seen in the Windows Explorer. Using FolderView/X you can easily present a list of folders to users.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's FTP/X ActiveX control provides easy, high-level access to the complete FTP client protocol (RFC 959). In addition to capturing server directory listings into a string array property, the new FTP/X also returns the listing as an ADO Recordset.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
FTPServer/X makes it easy for you to put up an FTP server. FTPServer/X comes in both ActiveX Control and COM Object forms to make it easy for you to integrate it into nearly any Windows programming environment.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
GetHost/X translates server names to IP addresses and IP addresses to server names.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new Grid/X ActiveX control provides functionality and flexibility not seen in other grid controls. The rich object model consists of 20+ separate objects that make utilizing Grid/X's features easy and reliable. Grid/X provides many features - too many to describe here - including OLE Drag & Drop, automatic mapping of column values to drop-down box items, built-in edit controls such as text and calendar, the ability for you to provide custom drawing for any or all cells, and much more.
- Submitted 2/26/2002

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's HTTP/X ActiveX control provides easy, high-level access to the complete HTTP client protocol. HTTP/X was designed to be as programmer-friendly as possible, by providing features such as automatic connect and disconnect for single interactions.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

Internet Client Pack/X
by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry Internet Client Pack includes fourteen controls (in both ActiveX control and COM objectflavors) that give access to Internet protocols. The controls support Finger, FTP, GetHost, Mail (SMTP/POP), News (NNTP), Ping, RAS, Time, and WhoIs, Sockets.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
List/X+ is an ActiveX control that sets a new standard for functionality and programmability in ActiveX controls. List/X+ provides multiple sortable columns, multi-line headers, captions, and list items, unlimited color options, and more.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry ListBar/X control provides a way for you to give your applications an intuitive user-interface when large amounts of information need to be presented.
Using ListBar/X control, you can organize items into groups.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
These controls allow you to send and receive e-mail from Internet servers. These components are available as both ActiveX controls and COM objects.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

Mega Pack
by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mega Pack 2 contains twenty-two of our custom controls: Alarm, BarCod, BmpLst, DFInfo, FLabel, FMDrop, HiTime, IniCon, JoyStk, LED, MenuEv, MSlot, MSStat, PerCnt, PicBtn, Probe, RoText, SoundX, Tips, Ver, Wave and ZipInf.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
MouseWheel is a VB5 ActiveX control that allows your programs to take advantage of the powerful scrolling capabilities of the new Microsoft IntelliMouse. Your users can easily scroll and select data without taking their hand off of the mouse.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's News/X OCX and COM objects provide a powerful and flexible way to handle news (NNTP) messages. Advanced features, such as XOver headers, are fully supported.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
NTUser/X is a collection of COM objects that gives you the ability to perform administrative tasks on a local or remote Windows NT server -- managing users, local groups, global groups, and modal information.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's Ping/X ActiveX control provides easy-to-use internet 'ping' functionality. Using Ping/X, you can test for the existence of machines on the net and you can determine the latency between the machine doing the ping and the remote machine.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
PropertiesList/X is a list box with columns where users can edit program-defined properties just like the properties edit list in your favorite development environment.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Our RAS/X control gives your programs easy access to the RAS sub-system. Your program can select an Internet service from your phone book, dial and connect to the server, do any processing necessary (using our other Internet controls), and disconnect.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Take advantage of the Windows Registry with Mabry's RegiCon control. With the introduction of Windows 95, the use of the Windows Registry is now recommended over .INI files.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Socket/X comes in both ActiveX control and COM object forms. Socket/X gives easy, powerful access to sockets via TCP/IP and UDP. Because Socket/X is both an ActiveX control and a COM object, you can use it nearly anywhere.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
This control provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convert words or names to codes.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry SysInfo control is a VB5 ActiveX control that provides quick access to useful information about the system on which your application is running. Simply drop this control on a form and you have immediate access to tons of system information.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry TaskInfo control provides quick and easy access to the processes and windows currently running on the computer. TaskInfo returns all top level window handles (hWnd) or any child window handle.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry Time/X ActiveX control and COM object allows you to retrieve the current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) from time servers on the Internet. The time servers usually have the correct time, since they all talk among themselves to keep things accurate.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
TraceRt/X is a traceroute component that shows you the route needed for network packets to reach a destination host. Each new host found along the way is called a 'Hop'. For each new hop found, a new object is provided. The object will contain things such as the Hostname, IP Address and the time needed for the packet to reach that host. All Hops are kept in the Hops collection and can be examined later.
- Submitted 2/26/2002

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Tray/X is a 32-bit light ActiveX control that allows your application to display an icon (with tool tips) in the system tray.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
A control that displays a tree view of a list of items. It allows every item to have its own text, picture, check box, color, to hold any window, and even to hold complete stand-alone components.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry Volume control provides programmatic access to the Windows WAVE Volume mixer and allows you to adjust or mute either the left or right channels independently. Volume is a VB5 ActiveX control and can be used in most any 32-bit environment.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
The Mabry WhoIs/X control follows the WhoIs/NICNAME protocol and allows queries of InterNIC or other RFC 954 databases to obtain information about a user, domain or host.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

by Mabry Software, Inc.
XMLTree/X provides an easy way for you to display, edit, and save XML files. XMLTree/X combines a List control with a Tree control. You can use XMLTree/X as an advanced List control, or as an advanced Tree control, or a combination of both at the same time. The control allows displaying a hierarchy with root nodes, and, you can use columns at the same time. No matter what format you choose to display data using XMLTree/X, you also have access to full control of formatting.
- Submitted 2/26/2002