ActiveX Products by Mail2all Inc
» Found 2 items by Mail2all Inc

Email Parser/Sender Object
by Mail2all Inc
The Email Parser/Sender Objects will enable your application to send, retrieve, merge, parse, modify, and store Internet e-mail messages.
The Email Parser/Sender Objects fully support the latest revisions of the SMTP protocol for sending Internet e-mail. With just a few lines of code you will be able to create and send e-mail messages.
The straight-forward, easy-to-understand interface enables application developers to quickly integrate the objects into their products.
- Submitted 11/4/2001

Gif Animation Box OCX
by Mail2all Inc
Use Animation GIF ActiveX to display GIF files and many other type of Pictures (Jpg, Bmp, Icon, Tiff, ...)in this OLE container!
It supports all GIF89a standard, including transparent, animation, looping, logical screen, restoring to background or previous image, etc.
- Submitted 11/4/2001