ActiveX Products by Metamatica Software
» Found 2 items by Metamatica Software

by Metamatica Software
MetaReport allows you to build any reports: from simple data retrieval to complex professional reports. Using MetaReport you can easily create reports from data stored in Access or Paradox database as well as from Oracle or MS SQL database servers. Next time you run a created report, it will be with one mouse click and save report results into a specified format.
You can easily integrate MetaReport with your application using the ActiveX object.
- Submitted 9/19/2004

MetaReport Developer Kit
by Metamatica Software
MetaReport Developer Kit contains MetaReport - powerful report designer, and MetaReportRuntime - redistributable runtime module. Software developers can include MetaReportRuntime into own projects as a report module.
MetaReportRuntime uses the same report engine as MetaReport and serves for launching existing database reports. Installation copy contain examples on VB and Delphi.
- Submitted 2/11/2005