ActiveX Products by Microchip Data Systems
» Found 1 item by Microchip Data Systems

ZipTV Compression ActiveX Suite
by Microchip Data Systems
Compress, extract to disk / memory, search files or ASCII / binary / hexadecimal / decimal / octal data in archives / non-archives / disk, encode / decode, associate files, convert between archive formats, work with multi-volume / multi-part / nested archives, test, SFX, UnSFX, Edit headers, retrieve passwords etc. Supports ZIP, JAR, CAB, LHA, LZH, TAR, GZIP, GZipTar, BH( BlakHole ), UUE/XXE/ENC, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, TGZ( Unix ), Z, HA, PAK
- Submitted 7/2/2003