ActiveX Products by Neodeck Software
» Found 3 items by Neodeck Software

Data Entry ActiveX
by Neodeck Software
The Data Entry Control enables you incorporate data entry into your application without the hassle of having to create all the forms yourself. You just give the control the database file to use, the table and it will create the whole form for you. It has support for a Browse button that allows the user to search for a folder and insert the location inside the text, it supports for all data types, including boolean.
- Submitted 12/1/2001

Data Form ActiveX Control
by Neodeck Software
The ndDataForm allows any programmer with an ActiveX compliant development environment or document and with minimum knowledge of coding or database skills to create complete database applications in minutes, anywhere, anytime. In a few simple steps, programmers can create data browsers, data entry forms, open record forms, delete record forms, without having to actually write any code at all and without having to draw or design the forms themselves.
- Submitted 5/31/2002

Free XP tooltip Control
by Neodeck Software
The nd tooltip control is free and very easy to use control for providing interactive help to your users while they are using your application. You can change the fonts of all the elements inside the control, or just use your own captions. It includes tip tails for all positions.
- Submitted 3/21/2003