ActiveX Products by Paipai Networks
» Found 2 items by Paipai Networks

Midori's Cast128 ActiveX Component
by Paipai Networks
This component use Cast128 to encrypt data.
The encrypted output is base64 coded, so you can treat it as a simple ASCII string.
You can use this compoment also as a base64 codec.
Valid input are Strings and Array of bytes.
- Submitted 12/30/2000

MidoriCrypt ActiveX Component
by Paipai Networks
A simple ActiveX component to encrypt/decrypt data through the Cast128 and AES algorithms; data can be supplied as string, array or any other variant type; output can be a string base64 encoded or an array of bytes containig raw data.
The component as also a fast base64 codec and a converter from string to Array and viceversa; a simple Hash object is able to hash file's contents using MD5.
- Submitted 12/15/2003