ActiveX Products by PointOne Software, Inc.
» Found 10 items by PointOne Software, Inc.

Emailer Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
SMTP sendmail functionality. Compliant with RFC 821. Simple to use - add email support to your application in minutes.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

MimeEmail Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
COM object that allows you to Send email with MIME attachments. Compliant with standard SMTP and MIME RFCs.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

NetSpy Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
The NetSpy control is a wrapper around an NDIS Network Protocol Device driver. Using this control makes it a snap to capture network packet data similar to a Network Sniffer and/or Protocol Analyzer.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

NTPerf Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Provides access to NT performance counters: list all known objects, counters, and instances. Easy to use methods for collecting NT performance data
- Submitted 3/26/2000

PingUtil Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Provides Ping and TraceRoute capability.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

POP3 Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Connect to POP3 server to read email. Handles MIME attachments (RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047)
- Submitted 3/26/2000

RASDial Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Perform dialup/disconnect functionaliy as well as managing phonebook entries.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

Spider Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Web Spider control that can be used to download HTML, detect broken links, etc.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

SysInfo Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Gathers system info: processor, memory, OS, disk, mouse, etc.
- Submitted 3/26/2000

TTS Control
by PointOne Software, Inc.
Text-To-Speech control based on the Microsoft Speech SDK. Will allow you to have any text message be spoken with the Speech Engine of your choice.
- Pitch, speed, and volume properties allow for 'shaping' speech engine voice.
- Submitted 3/26/2000