ActiveX Products by Robocx
» Found 4 items by Robocx

Roboprint for VB5
by Robocx
RoboPrint is the only Control that provides fully automatic Preview and Print, for Visual and Basic Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 Applications , code is not needed.
The following controls are printed by RoboPrint:
DBGrid DataGrid MsFlexGrid MSHFlexGrid vsFlexGrid RichTextBox TextBox Label MaskEdBox ComboBox.Text ListBox ListView Shape LineCheckBox OptionButton MSChart Pictures of PictureBox and Image.
- Submitted 10/14/1998

by Robocx
The only Control that provides fully and automatic Preview and Print, for Visual Basic 6.0 Applications, code is not needed
- Submitted 9/25/1999

Robosize for Visual Basic 6.0
by Robocx
Robosize control adapts the size of forms and controls so they willappear the same for all screen resolution. Robosize can resizing size and font size, columns width of DBGrid, MsFlexGrid and vsFlexGrid and preserves columns width changed by user's at run-time. Robosize add Zoom Capabilities to the Applications and Resize controls in a form proportionally
- Submitted 4/6/2003

by Robocx
Robosize.Net control adapts the size of forms and controls so they willappear the same for all screen resolution. Robosize can resizing size and font size, columns width of DBGrid and ListView and preserves columns width changed by user's at run-time. Robosize.Net add Zoom Capabilities to the Applications and Resize controls in a form proportionally
- Submitted 5/26/2004