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HTTP Wizard SSL ActiveX

by Seekford Solutions, Inc.

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Seekford Solutions, Inc.'s HTTP Wizard is an ActiveX control that allows you to use the HyperText Tranamission Protocol in your application. The object model is well thought out and easy to use. You can do the following and more: - Use the standard GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, TRACE, DELETE commands - Use your own custom command or extended command - Download web pages or resources such as files - POST form data to the webserver - Upload files to the web server - Get just the headers for a page.

Note: Active-X.COM has not tested this software. It was submitted directly by the software publisher and listed on
Active-X.COM for your convenience. It is advised that you only download and install software from sites you trust.

Additional Information

Publisher Seekford Solutions, Inc.
Version 2.1.12
List Price $299.00 (U.S.)
Category WWW / Internet / TCPIP
License Retail
Submitted 9/12/2002
Usage ActiveX Control ActiveX Control
Active Server Page Object ActiveX ASP
Special Requirements Doesn't work in ASP until purchased.