ActiveX Products by Softuarium
» Found 4 items by Softuarium

by Softuarium
Softuarium EDCrypt v3.0 is an ActiveX control performing following functions:
1.encrypts and decrypts text and files using symmetrical ciphers: BLOWFISH, CAST128, GOST, RC2, RIJNDAEL, TWOFISH
2.computes hashes (message digests) of text and files using hashing algorithms: ADLER32, CRC32, CRC32B, GOST, HAVAL128, HAVAL160, HAVAL192, HAVAL224, HAVAL256, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
3. securely shreds files
- Submitted 8/8/2002

by Softuarium
ActiveX control with selection routines, magic wands, undo, rotation, RGB mixing, red eye removal, encryption, histogram, blurring, sharpening, softening, edge enhancement, shadow, border and frame effects, low and high pass filters, masking, color replacement, reversing, flipping, reflecting, blending, colorizing, tinting, texture filling, brightness, contrast, and saturation, embossing, antialiasing, zooming, tile, spray, mosaic and many other.
- Submitted 7/20/2004

by Softuarium
WebPic is an ActiveX control designed to display and convert images between standard web formats (BMP, WBMP, GIF, JPG, PNG). The control is able to resize images. It also includes clipboard support (copy and paste).
- Submitted 8/24/2000

by Softuarium
XShow v4.0 is an ActiveX control designed to create transition effects between images. The control offers choice of over 100 transition effects. The following image formats are supported: BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EMF, WMF, DIB, PCD, PCX, PSD, PSP, TGA, TIF. Control is able to display images in original size or stretched. Images can also be resized or painted on canvas. User can choose background color or background image.
- Submitted 3/15/2004