ActiveX Products by Teebo Software Solutions
» Found 10 items by Teebo Software Solutions

OfficeMDI Tabs
by Teebo Software Solutions
Instantly add .NET, Office 2003, and OneNote style tabbed MDI interfaces to your VB6 applications without writing a single line of code. OfficeMDI Tabs works with your existing MDI applications, so you can add a great new look in just minutes. Your application's users will love the modern, intuitive user interface. All this in a 70kb OCX.
- Submitted 9/22/2004

by Teebo Software Solutions
OfficeMenu is the easy to use ActiveX control for VB that gives your application Office XP and Office 2003 style menus in just minutes, and doesn't require you to write a single line of code. OfficeMenu is fully Unicode compliant, and supports all the great features you'd expect in a menu control, including icons, checkmarks, custom fonts, submenus, alpha blended shadows, Visual Styles, right-to-left support, and more! Includes comprehensive HTML help, and sample projects to help you get started
- Submitted 9/29/2003

Outlook 2003 Style ShortcutBar
by Teebo Software Solutions
ShortcutBar is an ActiveX control that provides a Microsoft Outlook 2003 style navigation side bar for your applications As an added bonus, we are also including the OutlookContainer control. This is an Office 2003 Style frame control that mimics that mini-container in Outlook 2003. You can use this control to provide sub-headings within ShortcutBar for different sets of information.
- Submitted 12/7/2004

by Teebo Software Solutions
PopupNotify is an ActiveX control that lets your applications display MSN style popup alerts and notifications. Popup Notifications gracefully fade in and slide up above the taskbar tray, and can be set to disappear by themselves after a few seconds. PopupNotify is very easy to use. You can get started with just one line of code! You can customize the colors, fonts, alignments, and more. Supports balloon tooltips and transparency in the popup. PopupNotify is fully Unicode enabled. Only 70kb!
- Submitted 1/10/2004

by Teebo Software Solutions
TaskPaneXP is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the task panes, or 'Explorer Bars', that are found in Microsoft Windows XP. Task panes provide a flexible way of presenting a group of related tasks to your users. This control can be setup to use Visual Styles under Windows XP, as well as emulated Visual Styles and 'Classic' styles under all versions of windows, even older ones like Windows 98 and NT 4.0!
Supports VB6, VC++, and VB.NET*
- Submitted 7/1/2003

by Teebo Software Solutions
tssBalloonTip consists of a COM DLL that can be used to add a balloon tip to any control with a window handle. It converts the ordinary, mundane looking tool tips into visually pleasing and more informative 'bubble' like windows. Balloon tips give your applications visual appeal, while giving them added functionality. If you want to have the same stylish tool tips that your competitors are using, then you need tssBalloonTip!
- Submitted 5/22/2003

by Teebo Software Solutions
tssFileDragDrop is an ActiveX control that can detect when a user has dragged files over a form in your application. It detects files, folders, and drives. Our component is incredibly easy to use. You just drop it on the form, and you are ready to begin receiving drag-drop notifications. tssFileDragDrop provides for every file that is drag-dropped: Both full filenames and 8.3 style, both with full paths; file counts and index counters; and more!
- Submitted 5/22/2003

by Teebo Software Solutions
tssHookDisc is a ActiveX/COM component that provides notifications whenever it detects a disc insertion or removal into any CD/CDR/DVD drive. When a disc is inserted/removed, you will notified using two events. You also are told which drive is being utilized! Your business can save a lot by using our component instead of trying to develop this in-house. Why spend countless hours trying to do it yourself? tssHookDisc does it now!
- Submitted 12/18/2002

by Teebo Software Solutions
If you need drive mapping, you need this! tssSubst is an ActiveX/COM component that will take any folder on your file system, and make it appear as a separate drive. For example, such as C:\MyWorkDocuments \2002\March\27 \Expense\ can be replaced by G:\ or any letter. It can make getting to data more efficient for users, and make it easier for software to manage the file system. It works just like DOS Subst, but is designed for today's OS.
- Submitted 12/18/2002

by Teebo Software Solutions
tssTrayNotify is an ActiveX component that places a clickable icon in the system tray, while providing a popup 'balloon' style tool tip similar to those in Windows XP. You can get results instantly with only a single function call, and tray icon clicks are handled through events, so no more subclassing!
- Submitted 5/22/2003