ActiveX Products by Tollside Ltd
» Found 11 items by Tollside Ltd

Array Sort and Search
by Tollside Ltd
Sort and search arrays. Fast and powerful.
- Submitted 12/29/2002

Directory Listing DLL
by Tollside Ltd
DLL to allow recursive listing of directories from given pathname. Results passed into array which can be accessed by user code.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

by Tollside Ltd
DLL giving TEN functions with 16 commands - sort and search arrays, get diskspace on any disk device
- works above 2G - recursively list our sub directories for a given pathname, launch any file from
our app e.g. Word, Excel, text - give your forms rounded corners - make them look more stylish
- encrypt and decrypt files, delete files so that they cannot be recovered - calculate the number
of working or non working days between two dates (10 optional public holidays can be added)
- Submitted 12/19/2002

by Tollside Ltd
Email Active X Control - send email from your application - up to 3 attachments.
- Submitted 4/23/2000

Get Disk Space
by Tollside Ltd
Get total disk space and total free space. Works on any disk device and copes with disks over 2 gigabytes.
- Submitted 12/10/2002

Launch Pad
by Tollside Ltd
VB Shell command only launches applications - Launch Pad will open any file from in your code e.g. text, shortcut (.LNK), word, Excel, etc
- Submitted 10/22/2002

PMT Calculation
by Tollside Ltd
PMT will work out the loan repayment based on the princpal, interest rate, and term.
- Submitted 10/21/2002

Rounded Corners
by Tollside Ltd
Put rounded corners on to the windows in your application
- Submitted 10/24/2002

by Tollside Ltd
DLL allows encryption and decryption of files using password. Powerful fast unique algorithm.
Also delete files so that they cannot be recovered. Even Norton Utilities gives up!!
- Submitted 10/23/2002

by Tollside Ltd
Three Controls
Automatic resizing of your application - it always appears as you wrote it regardless of users screen settings, large or small fonts, toolbars, etc.
Email - email text and attachments using code
ScrollPicture - a picture box which can be scrolled in eight directions at varying speeds.
- Submitted 8/28/2002

by Tollside Ltd
WorkDay is a DLL component which allows calculation of working (no weekends) or non working days (weekends only) inclusive between two specified dates. Dates may be between 1-Jan-1900 and 31-Dec-9999. Up to 10 public holidays may be specified. The DLL may be referred to from any Microsoft application e.g. Visual Basic, Access VBA, Excel VBA.
- Submitted 10/21/2002