ActiveX Products by VCOMSOFT
» Found 7 items by VCOMSOFT

DISPLAY32 is a 32-bit, user configurable custom control created to give the VB developer access to display resolution information without API level coding. The control provides properties for returning current display resolution settings in pixels and twips. Developed by Visual Enterprises, DISPLAY32 was designed for Visual Basic programmers.
- Submitted 5/16/2002

LCD Control
ActiveX control that emulates a multiline LCD display. Display modes include multiline and multicolor, font selection, and a built in LCD Clock.
- Submitted 1/24/2000

Mouse Blaster
An ActiveX control which makes hooking mouse events less than rocket science. Can be used to trap mouse messages and disable right, left and double clicking. Provides access to basic mouse events and settings.
- Submitted 1/24/2000

Windows NT/2000 Driver Development Kit was designed to provide Visual C++ and Visual Basic developers code and tool resources for writing complicated device IO_CTL drivers. Now you can gain direct access to the Input/Output (I/O) ports on windows NT/2000/XP operating systems. Since direct I/O port access thru normal system calls are prohibited, We have created a programmable driver library and DDK that will modify the Input/Output Permission Map (IOPM) and allow direct hardware access.
- Submitted 3/21/2003

PPOCTL ActiveX Control
The PPOCTL ActiveX Control affords the Visual Basic, Delphi and C++ developer an easy drop-in interface to support programming computer I/O ports. Supports Win9x, NT/2000, XP, ME. With PWS or IIS allows port access thru web browser to remote read/write W3C server ports.
- Submitted 3/26/2003

UTIMEcDLL.DLL is a 32 bit, dynamic link library created to afford the VB & C++ developer quick access to time functions without coding with time structures and pointers. Functions that are included are standard time UTC, GMT, Unix Time Stamp and Current Time and Date in Seconds since midnight (00:00:00) 1/1/1970.
- Submitted 5/16/2002

VSOCKCTL Client/Server Control
VSOCKCTL Activex Winsock 2 Communication Control for VB 6 and .NET developers provides a simplified approach to developing UDP and TCP/IP Client/Server applications. This ActiveX component provides multiple protocol support including IP,TCP,UDP,ICMP and IGMP. Designed to provide RAD support in developing applications that require network connectivity and communications.
- Submitted 7/9/2004