ActiveX Products by Wireduptech
» Found 2 items by Wireduptech

RCThermostat ActiveX
by Wireduptech
This ActiveX Control allows a programmer to send commands and receive status information from the RC-Series Thermostat. A programmer can set the mode of operation, fan mode, heating and cooling setpoints and program mode. Also status information such as the current temperature, setpoints and mode of operation can be accessed. These thermostat can be purchased at
- Submitted 4/18/2003

by Wireduptech
This Activex control allows you to control you x10 devices using the CM11a x10 interface. This control doesn't support the extended x10 protocol nor does it allow you to download macros into the CM11a. If you need a control that allows you to have complete control jover the x10 protocol please try our x10 Professional control
- Submitted 4/7/2003