ActiveX Products by Woodbury Associates
» Found 2 items by Woodbury Associates

by Woodbury Associates
HTMLLabel is a practical and versatile HTML renderer packaged as a lightweight ActiveX control intended specifically for developers who want to enhance their software with HTML.
Unlike other similar controls which rely on external browsers, HTMLLabel is designed to enable HTML to be used as an integral part of your applications.
- Submitted 8/19/2003

by Woodbury Associates
UniToolbox is a set of Unicode-aware ActiveX controls and utilities for creating Unicode-enabled software with Visual Basic 4, 5 and 6 on Windows NT4, 2000 and XP.
By replacing Visual Basic's intrinsic Label, TextBox, ComboBox and ListBox controls with UniToolbox, existing forms can be Unicode-enabled in minutes, with no extra design re-work or code modifications.
- Submitted 3/10/2003