ActiveX Products by aaxComponents
» Found 4 items by aaxComponents

by aaxComponents
The aaxBattery ActiveX Control is a component that gives you the state of the battery on your laptop/notebook computer. With this component, you can:
- Get the battery life in percent and time;
- Get the charging status of the battery;
- Get the AC Line state;
This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 4/1/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxDriveManager ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to manage disk and CDROM drives. With this component, you can: Eject CD and media,Query for drive types and availability, Get drive capacity and free space, Get/Set volume label. This component can be used with disk drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, and other removable drives (Zip, Castlewood ORB, etc). This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/20/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxIniFile ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to any standard .ini initialization file. With this component, you can:
- Open standard .ini files;
- Read / Write string and numeric values;
- Enumerate sections and keys
This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/14/2003

by aaxComponents
The aaxRegistry ActiveX Control (.ocx) is a component that gives you an easy access to the Windows Registry. Open / Create / Delete keys and subkeys; Read / Write / Delete values of any type; Enumerate keys, subkeys and value. Comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.
- Submitted 3/11/2003