ActiveX Products by dvdsupp
» Found 3 items by dvdsupp

Animated GIF OCX
by dvdsupp
VB Animation GIF OCX is an animated GIF control for VB, VC, DELPHI, C++ Builder, and so on. It supports most GIF89a standards, including animation, looping, delay time, and so on. It has many features, including autosize, stretch etc. This control also supports saving GIF89a to BMP or GIF files. It's just writen in VC 6.0.
Animated GIF OCX is an animated GIF ActiveX control for Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, C++ Builder, and other.
Supports most GIF89a standards.
- Submitted 7/18/2005

by dvdsupp
Easy Grid Activex Control has exceedingly powerful functions, much more powerful than other grid or report OCXes, such as FlexGrid, Crystal Report, Formula One, Spread and so on.
Easy Grid ActiveX Control supports print, preview, editable grid, chart, formula, expression, ODBC connecting to multi-databases such as DBASE, FoxBase, FoxPro, Access, Excel, SQL server, Paradox, and so on.
Easy Grid Control is developed completely from Microsoft Visual C++(MFC).
- Submitted 7/18/2005

OKSoft Color Picker
by dvdsupp
OKSoft Color Picker is an excellent and professional color picker program we designed for you. It is designed to help users who often works with color and palette. You may choose an appropriate color from the palette and copy its value to the clipboard. The color value may be named string, hex value, long value, HTML format, rgb value, Visual Basic format, C++ format, Java format, Delphi format, etc.
- Submitted 6/23/2008