ActiveX Products by jSoft Studios
» Found 6 items by jSoft Studios

by jSoft Studios
FastEncrypt is a component that allows developers to encrypt strings and files with a single line of code. The control employs three different forms of encryption : RAVE (Random Adaptive Variable Encryption), variable bit-length, and irreversible encoding which provides virtually unbreakable security. The encryption algorithm has been optimized to minimize the amount of time (usually in the milliseconds) required to perform the encryption/decryption process.
- Submitted 1/29/2003

by jSoft Studios
MP3PlayX is a fully functional MP3 playing control. It can play MP3 files, view and edit ID3 v1.0/v1.1 tags, and change playback settings such as volume, rate, and balance. This control allows developers to seamlessly incorporate MP3 playback and advanced functionality into their software with little code.
- Submitted 2/16/2003

by jSoft Studios
PeriodicTable is an ActiveX control that allows developers to drop a fully customizable periodic table directly into their applications. The control has a built-in database of 15 physical properties for each element that can be accessed at runtime.
- Submitted 2/16/2003

by jSoft Studios
Rotate text is an ActiveX component that allows developers to add rotated text to their applications. It allows text to be rotated at increments of 1/10th of a degree at both design and runtime. It supports multiple lines, autosizing, and anti-aliasing.
- Submitted 1/29/2003

by jSoft Studios
Str2Exp is an expression evaluator that parses a string input and evaluates it as a mathematical expression. Str2Exp can recognize and solve 23 predefined mathematical functions. It can quickly parse lengthy expressions automatically accounting for all rules involving order-of-operations, and returns a numerical answer.
- Submitted 2/5/2003

by jSoft Studios
SysInfo is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly and easily gain access to all of the end users' system information. Examples are drive info, file info, memory availability and usage, operating system summaries, and important system path information. Without writing a single line of code all of the system information automatically fills the controls properties and are accessible at runtime without any hassle.
- Submitted 2/27/2003