ActiveX Products by /n software
» Found 17 items by /n software

IP*Works! .NET Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of Internet components including everything a developer needs to add powerful connectivity to any application. IP*Works! contains more then 30 royalty-free controls implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, LDAP, Telnet, etc.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! ActiveX Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of Internet components including everything a developer needs to add powerful connectivity to any application. IP*Works! contains more then 30 royalty-free controls implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, LDAP, Telnet, etc.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! ActiveX for HPC 2000
by /n software
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of Internet components including everything a developer needs to add powerful connectivity to any application. IP*Works! contains more then 30 royalty-free controls implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, LDAP, Telnet, etc.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! ActiveX Pocket PC 2000
by /n software
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of Internet components including everything a developer needs to add powerful connectivity to any application. IP*Works! contains more then 30 royalty-free controls implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, LDAP, Telnet, etc.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! ActiveX Pocket PC 2002
by /n software
IP*Works! is a comprehensive suite of Internet components including everything a developer needs to add powerful connectivity to any application. IP*Works! contains more then 30 royalty-free controls implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, LDAP, Telnet, etc.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! ASP Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! ASP Edition includes more then 30 components implementing Internet Protocols such as: HTTP, SOAP, XML, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, and NNTP etc. along with higher-level components such as WebUpload, WebForm, FileMailer, TraceRoute, and more. The package includes sample ASP pages demonstrating how to access Web Services including Currency Conversion, Yahoo Stock Quotes, and UPS Address Verification.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! CC Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! CC is a comprehensive suite of components providing secure real-time validation, authorization, and transaction settlement of credit cards within both web and desktop applications. This release currently supports every major payment gateway including the Visa Internet Payment Gateway System™ (IPGS), and advanced credit card authorization via Visa 3-D Secure™.
- Submitted 1/21/2003

IP*Works! S/MIME .NET Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! S/MIME implements the S/MIME standard for encryption and decryption using Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS). Using IP*Works! S/MIME Edition you can encrypt files, emails, and even newsgroup postings as well as sign and verify message signatures using X.509 digital certificates. Digital Certificate management features are also included.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! S/MIME ActiveX Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! S/MIME implements the S/MIME standard for encryption and decryption using Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS). Using IP*Works! S/MIME Edition you can encrypt files, emails, and even newsgroup postings as well as sign and verify message signatures using X.509 digital certificates. Digital Certificate management features are also included.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! S/MIME ASP Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! S/MIME implements the S/MIME standard for encryption and decryption using Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS). Using IP*Works! S/MIME Edition you can encrypt files, emails, and even newsgroup postings as well as sign and verify message signatures using X.509 digital certificates. Digital Certificate management features are also included.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! SSL .NET Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! SSL adds SSL and Digital Certificate capabilities to the IP*Works! Internet Toolkit providing Secure Web Browsing, Secure Client, Secure Server, Secure Mail, Digital Certificate Management Capabilities, and a lot more. The current release consists of 15 components for secure Internet connectivity: HTTPS, SOAPS, SMTPS, POPS, IMAPS, FTPS, LDAPS, NNTPS, TelnetS, IPPortS, IPDaemonS, CertMgr, and more.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! SSL ActiveX Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! SSL adds SSL and Digital Certificate capabilities to the IP*Works! Internet Toolkit providing Secure Web Browsing, Secure Client, Secure Server, Secure Mail, Digital Certificate Management Capabilities, and a lot more. The current release consists of 15 components for secure Internet connectivity: HTTPS, SOAPS, SMTPS, POPS, IMAPS, FTPS, LDAPS, NNTPS, TelnetS, IPPortS, IPDaemonS, CertMgr, and more.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! SSL ActiveX PocketPC 2002
by /n software
IP*Works! SSL adds SSL and Digital Certificate capabilities to the IP*Works! Internet Toolkit providing Secure Web Browsing, Secure Client, Secure Server, Secure Mail, Digital Certificate Management Capabilities, and a lot more. The current release consists of 15 components for secure Internet connectivity: HTTPS, SOAPS, SMTPS, POPS, IMAPS, FTPS, LDAPS, NNTPS, TelnetS, IPPortS, IPDaemonS, CertMgr, and more.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! SSL ASP Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! SSL ASP Edition contains 15 security-enabled Internet components, optimized for Active Server Page programming. Components Include: CertMgr, FTPS, HTTPS, IMAPS, IPPortS, LDAPS, NNTPS, POPS, SMTPS, TelnetS, WebUploadS, WebFormS, SOAPS, FilemailerS, and HTMLMailerS. IP*Works! SSL ASP Edition provides Secure Web Browsing, Secure Mail, Digital Certificate Management Capabilities, Access to Secure Web Services, and more.
- Submitted 11/20/2002

IP*Works! SSL V6
by /n software
IP*Works! SSL V6 adds SSL security, digital certificate generation, and certificate management capabilities to the base IP*Works! Internet components. Supporting secure implementations of every major SSL-enabled Internet protocol including: FTPS, HTTPS, SMTPS, POPS, IMAPS, LDAPS, SMPPS, XMPPS (Secure Jabber), SOAPS, WebDavS, etc. Certificate creation, signing, and management features are also included.
- Submitted 8/24/2004

IP*Works! V6
by /n software
IP*Works! V6 is a comprehensive suite of more than 40 components for Internet development. IP*Works is a robust framework of enterprise-class controls, enabling rapid integration of any major Internet protocol or technology including: FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, LDAP, DNS, RSS, SMPP(SMS), XMPP (Jabber), SOAP, WebDav, etc.
- Submitted 8/24/2004

IP*Works! Zip .NET Edition
by /n software
IP*Works! Zip is a suite of easy, fast, and effective, compression and decompression components for use in either web or desktop applications. IP*Works! Zip supports the Zip, Tar, Gzip and Jar compression standards, and features support for streaming compression/decompression, password protection, speed or compression optimization, and more.
- Submitted 11/20/2002